  • Player to Player Actions
  • A Player to Player action can either help or harm another player, coming from one of your friends or a complete stranger. Winning PtP actions that you initiate give player experience, which contributes to your level, but not to the Sworn Sword sent. Failed actions give no experience. Defending against incoming actions gives no experience.
  • A Player to Player action can either help or harm another player, coming from one of your friends or a complete stranger. Winning PtP actions that you initiate give player experience, which contributes to your level, but not to the Sworn Sword sent. Failed actions give no experience. Defending against incoming actions gives no experience. As many of the "attacks" are helpful, the more standard abbreviation of PvP (Player versus Player) is not entirely appropriate for Player to Player Actions. Harmful attacks are limited to 15 attacks every 24 hours against the same target. Helpful actions are indicated with the same battle icons on the screen as harmful ones, misleading the player that there is a reason to worry.