  • Fighter Pilot
  • Fighter pilot
  • A fighter pilot is a military aviator trained to engage in air-to-air, and often air-to-ground, combat while at the controls of a fighter aircraft. Fighter pilots undergo specialized training in aerial warfare and dogfighting (close range aerial combat). A fighter pilot with at least five air-to-air kills becomes known as an ace. Not all fighter pilots have experienced actual combat.
  • Fighter Pilots, also known as badasses, or zipper-suited sun gods are the second highest form of life in the universe, they have yet to displace surgeons.
  • Fighter Pilot is a game on miniclips in which you take control of a fighter craft and do various missions. There are ten levels in all. The enemies in the game are the following: --Fighter Craft (red airplane) --Aces Fighter Craft (black airplane) --AA Gun (turret on the ground) --Bombers (bombing plane) The levels are the following:
  • Iranian pilots VS Iraqi pilots during Iran Iraq War
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  • Iranian pilots of Northrop F-5 before mission in Iraq.jpg
  • Iraqi pilots of mirage F1 before mission in Iran.jpg
  • A fighter pilot is a military aviator trained to engage in air-to-air, and often air-to-ground, combat while at the controls of a fighter aircraft. Fighter pilots undergo specialized training in aerial warfare and dogfighting (close range aerial combat). A fighter pilot with at least five air-to-air kills becomes known as an ace. Not all fighter pilots have experienced actual combat.
  • Fighter Pilots, also known as badasses, or zipper-suited sun gods are the second highest form of life in the universe, they have yet to displace surgeons.
  • Fighter Pilot is a game on miniclips in which you take control of a fighter craft and do various missions. There are ten levels in all. The enemies in the game are the following: --Fighter Craft (red airplane) --Aces Fighter Craft (black airplane) --AA Gun (turret on the ground) --Bombers (bombing plane) The levels are the following:
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