  • Aranorn Civil War
  • Elwin was aided in his search in the woods by Mirilass, the commander of Harke's forces, but when they reached a quiet forest glen, Mirilass told him that the story was a lie. Gramin hadn't lost the bow, and Mirilass was supposed to kill Elwin in the woods, but decided to let him live in captivity instead. With the aid of his white tiger allies, Elwin managed to escape. A letter from his mentor Menathat told him that Shaera was engaged to marry Lord Harke, and advised him to craft the Mirror of True Love, an artifact that could break any love spells cast upon her.
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  • Aranorn Civil War
  • Elwin was aided in his search in the woods by Mirilass, the commander of Harke's forces, but when they reached a quiet forest glen, Mirilass told him that the story was a lie. Gramin hadn't lost the bow, and Mirilass was supposed to kill Elwin in the woods, but decided to let him live in captivity instead. With the aid of his white tiger allies, Elwin managed to escape. A letter from his mentor Menathat told him that Shaera was engaged to marry Lord Harke, and advised him to craft the Mirror of True Love, an artifact that could break any love spells cast upon her. Elwin crafted the mirror, but when his army approached Lord Harke's lands, the Elven Court told him to give up and surrender his armies. Elwin told them that if Lord Harke agreed to let Shaera look in the mirror, he would surrender, but Harke refused. Elwin battled his way through Lord Harke's armies, freeing Shaera from the love spell with the mirror and capturing Mirilass, who was hiding in the woods nearby. With Mirilass's and Shaera's testimonies, the Elven Court realized the severity of Lord Harke's crimes, and declared him a criminal. Unfortunately, most of the Forest Guard refused to believe the accusations against their leader and left their posts to join him, giving the noble a larger army than Aranorn. In three months, Harke had conquered most of his homeland. The Elder Council crowned Elwin king and handed him the Bow of the Elf King, asking him to fight back against Harke. With the aid of Gramin, King Elwin managed to defeat Lord Harke's armies, and the noble was taken prisoner. Lord Harke was brought before the Elven Court in chains, and sentenced to imprisonment for the rest of his life.