  • Statue of Apollo
  • A giant but decayed statue of Apollo stands in the center of Delos, and at first, the outside of the statue can be used to progress to other areas of the island, where notes written by Archimedes about the struggle to build such monumental structure, the pressure imposed by the Furies to finish the statue, and the progressing loss of his sanity can be found, some of the notes still inside the statue.
  • A giant but decayed statue of Apollo stands in the center of Delos, and at first, the outside of the statue can be used to progress to other areas of the island, where notes written by Archimedes about the struggle to build such monumental structure, the pressure imposed by the Furies to finish the statue, and the progressing loss of his sanity can be found, some of the notes still inside the statue. Kratos must rebuild the decayed statue using the Amulet of Uroborus. He is challenged by many monsters and must best the Trials of Archimedes in order for the statue to be complete and allow Kratos reach the lantern. Puzzles are also plentiful and the Eyes of Truth are obtained inside the lantern to help Kratos in his journey.