  • An Unheard Whisper in the Wind
  • Takigakure. A village which lived in utter peace due to it's isolationist policies. However, it's involvement in past affairs have left numerous scars upon the shinobi world. The creation and utilization of an unholy technique which rivaled that of immortality. It's acquisition of a beast capable of easily leveling countries. However, Takigakure's greatest weapon is its secrecy. Despite indulging in horrid practices, Takigakure remained hidden from the world as it silently grew in power. Takigakure also possessed a reputation for producing deadly shinobi. Coupled with being a village protected by nature's waterfalls, Takigakure became a village impossible to invade or even find. However, nothing could evade an eye from one of the seven faces. Although a location with few agents, Takigakure
  • Takigakure. A village which lived in utter peace due to it's isolationist policies. However, it's involvement in past affairs have left numerous scars upon the shinobi world. The creation and utilization of an unholy technique which rivaled that of immortality. It's acquisition of a beast capable of easily leveling countries. However, Takigakure's greatest weapon is its secrecy. Despite indulging in horrid practices, Takigakure remained hidden from the world as it silently grew in power. Takigakure also possessed a reputation for producing deadly shinobi. Coupled with being a village protected by nature's waterfalls, Takigakure became a village impossible to invade or even find. However, nothing could evade an eye from one of the seven faces. Although a location with few agents, Takigakure had a deep influence as well. And their mouths told of Takigakure's hierarchy. Whispers of council elders controlling it's functions far beyond its boundaries. Yet one of these elders managed to have a contract made against him. Someone brought his life. And now the time to pay arrived. He stood silently atop a branch high above the ground. Takigakure was known for it's immense trees. Darkness consumed his body with not an ounce of energy being felt. Emotionless. Empty. Zenjou peered at a shiny object in his hand through the mask on his face. Golden eyes reflecting in glimmering metal. His mask hid a smirk as he traced Sunagakure's symbol. Congratulations on becoming a Jōnin Zenjou-san! Words echoed. Memories. Thank you. The only thing he could reply. Th promotion was sudden. But he felt a certain happiness. Finally, another weapon to protect his loved ones. Including the seedling he recently found out about. And as he rose through Sunagakure's ranks, so did he follow the shadow. Now a sensei of assassination, Zenjou awaited for his teammate. He placed his forehead protector back into his pocket. "Where is she dammit?" Zenjou asked impatiently. Zenjou had folded his tail around his body underneath his kimono. Sending uncomfortable shivers up his spine. "Last time I agree to a team contract." He pulled his mask down. A beaked construct composed of bone. "I swear I'll have her head! Besides...It's been awhile since we've been together." His eyes softened. After becoming a member, Zenjou's time with her suddenly decreased. She had to undergo extensive training and partake in solo missions. Their interactions were brief and rare. However, upon his promotion, the Shichisama offered a job for them both. Wind gathered by Zenjou's side, revealing a masked Tengai Okasu. "Apparently your sensory skills are rusty Zen-sensei," Tengai smirked as she stood on the branch next to him. Since joining the Nanabake, she had undergone test after test, before taking on several solo missions. Much to satisfaction, all had gone well, and she had compiled a very impressive record, something that did much to increase her standing with the organization. As of now, she stood at the ranking of tokubetsu jōnin within the village of Suna, the place she know called home, though a promotion to a full-fledged jōnin was not long coming. If anything, her appearance in the village by virtue of Zenjou had done much to increase his own standing, as they saw the talent Tengai possessed, and the fact that he had been the one to pick up on it. They particularly noted her limit's unique affinity for assassination techs, something that further aided her in completing her missions. However, it was time to return to the task at hand. "To think I would be visiting this village," Tengai thought, remembering the difficulty she and her ANBU teammates had when they tried to permeate Taki's society. "So...where shall we start?" Tengai asked, boredom returning to her voice, as she emptied herself of emotion once more. "Nani?!" Zenjou fell off the branch with a shriek which sent birds soaring. A horrible assassin one would think. He gently rubbed his wound while repeating painful grunts. Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! A terrible pulsing headache started. "Great way to start this mission. Maybe you shouldn't sneak up on allies...Dammit. I should have your head." Zenjou's golden eyes scanned the womanly figure before him. Surely they've both grown. They'd occasionaly cross paths with one another. Tengai had plenty of time to cover. Rarely did Sunagakure accept shinobi from distant lands. However, Zenjou's hereditary position made it easier for her acceptance. Afterwards, they saw each other during meetings within the ancient hidden castle. But he kept eyes on her. Assuring that she grew as expected. And he felt proud; As well as glad for Tengai. "I want to start with your congratulations." Zenjou leapt back to his feet before rejoining her atop their branch. Locking gaze with her. "Tokubetsu Jōnin is a big deal. Especially for someone whose only recently joined our village. After we complete our task, lets go for some sake." Zenjou's head tilted, signaling a small smile. He was still that kid who stumbled into her that night. "Our mission is indeed unique. I don't think anyone has ever infiltrated Takigakure successfully. The agents inside were openly accepted due to a false agreement. But they've given us the correct path." The trees whispered a hush secret. Vibrant green leaves soaked in golden sunlight as Zenjou noticed the sound of singing birds. Chirping alongside rushing water. Wildlife living peacefully. "The target is one of Takigakure's elder councilmen. He's jeopardized Takigakure's safety by doing business with an unknown third party. So we're here to eliminate him...But our contractors added a..secondary purpose." Zenjou sighed. He hated this part of his life. A mountain sat upon his shoulder as he spoke with a boulder. "Our boss wants the eradication of his family. To end his familiar line permanently. Because the council is a hereditary position..They fear that leaving any children alive will result in revolt." But Zenjou's voice betrayed him. He obviously had his mind elsewhere. "Thanks, a small celebration wōith some sake sounds pretty good," Tengai said while grinning, particularly at Zen's original reaction to her "timely" arrival. It had been a busy time the past few months as she acclimated to Sunagakure life. While Suna citizens originally stared at her for her unique lavender hair and golden eyes, both of which marked her as a foreigner, they soon began to accept her as she quickly proved to be a contributing member to their society. All in all, a little celebration sounded like a good idea after a somewhat stressful time. But first they had to survive the mission at hand, one that would most likely prove intriguing if not challenging. Then again, it wouldn't be something Tengai could enjoy if it was easy. "Congrats on the promotion to Jōnin by the way, pretty soon you'll have the opportunity to boss around a bunch of brats," Tengai teased before turning serious once more. When she heard the secondary portion of their mission, Tengai's heart dropped a little bit, though fortunately the emotionless state that she had spent a large portion of her life in returned to guide her to rationality once more. "If this guy knows he's in the wrong, wouldn't he potentially hide at least a portion of his descendants?" Tengai pondered aloud. It was at that point she caught something else in Zen's voice. "What else is on your mind?" Tengai asked with a hint of curiosity. The fact that they were to eliminate not only the corrupt councilman, but his children, possibly his entire family tree, still bothered Tengai a little bit. However, she had a feeling that Taki's tradition of isolationist and unfeeling policies, particularly when it came to their own ninja meant that if they didn't do, Taki most likely would take on the deed of finishing off the family themselves, something that concerned her slightly. "Do you plan on taking on the secondary portion? It seems like you hold some reservations," Tengai commented, wondering where Zenjou's head was at. Tengai's words seemingly snapped Zenjou from his daze. He tilted his head at her and smiled beneath his mask. Erecting the cloak once more. A blanket that hid Zenjou's feelings deep within. Very few experienced Zenjou for everything. Instead, he kept himself suppressed for various purposes. For this, he's earned numerous recognition for his targets being unable to sense him. But Zenjou unfortunately exhibited this behavior towards loved ones. A smile without meaning. Words filled with emptiness. Only two people have witnessed Zenjou's innerself. A loving child whose filled to the brim with love. But unable to express it. "I'm alright. When this is over I'll treat you to all the sake you can drink. Hopefully, you'll remember your name after it!" Zenjou chuckled at his light hearted jab. "And thank you Tengai-san. But I'm not one for Genin teams. I prefer solo operations; This way my failures won't effect anyone directly." A sincere shinobi in a world of darkness. Zenjou sighed as he thought about the upcoming mission. "Most likely. I wouldn't be surprised if he's expecting us." Another false smile as Zenjou thought about previous scenarios. The first time killing a child was a painful memory. A horrible thought. An experience-A nightmare he's had to relive countlessly. It's never that easy... But Tengai wouldn't see the sorrow imbedded in Zenjou's soul. Rather, he turned away and faced their infiltration point. "I'm alright. And if it calls for it, I shall." Zenjou formed a seal upon his left hand. A master of energy, he could feel the earth replenishing his glass. A cup that never empties. Zenjou only needed one hand to invoke powerful techniques. Smoke erupted near Zenjou which revealed a massive peafowl. A large bird with ebony feathers that matched the night sky above. Complete with massive wings. It was a beast which stood slightly higher than both Zenjou and Tengai. "Takigakure is a forest based village. It uses natural defenses as a method of protection. However, upon surveying the area I've found one vital weakness." Zenjou hopped atop the massive bird which called him master. He held out his hand for Tengai afterwards. "It is a village connected to various waterfalls. It also utilizes surrounding trees to obscure our view of it. But we can use these same trees to easily access the village. By climbing down under the guise of night." After pulling Tengai atop the bird. The ebony peafowl made it's way toward the village. Tengai noted that Zen had retrieved his assassin alias, returning back to that state of an emotionless being. It was time for business.