  • The Wind Shadow Contested!
  • It was a sunny day in Konohagakure, Haru went there to visit his friends and catch up. He was hanging out with his friends as he looked at the Hokage monuments and thought "Man, Do I miss this village. I swore to protect it with all of my might. I haven't had a good challenge since that Shisō, he really pushed me far, in my specialty too. I wish I could fight that old man once more. It has been boring around her lately.". He then saw people rushing around and there were excitement on their faces. Haru asked a random man about what's happening in Konoha. "Didn't you hear? a meeting between Konoha and Suna is arranged. One of the candidates for the position of the Kazekage is gonna be there." said The man to Haru as he continued on his way.
  • It was a sunny day in Konohagakure, Haru went there to visit his friends and catch up. He was hanging out with his friends as he looked at the Hokage monuments and thought "Man, Do I miss this village. I swore to protect it with all of my might. I haven't had a good challenge since that Shisō, he really pushed me far, in my specialty too. I wish I could fight that old man once more. It has been boring around her lately.". He then saw people rushing around and there were excitement on their faces. Haru asked a random man about what's happening in Konoha. "Didn't you hear? a meeting between Konoha and Suna is arranged. One of the candidates for the position of the Kazekage is gonna be there." said The man to Haru as he continued on his way. "Meeting between Konoha and Suna?! how long was I away?" said Haru to himself rushing with great speed to see what was up with this meeting as he jumped from building to building and left his friends that he was hanging around with. "A candidate for the Kazekage position, huh? I am itching to see that." thought Haru with great excitement in his eyes. Contrary to the man's probable expectations: Magnet Release or elemental manipulation on the scale of the previous Kazekage, the candidate was...considerably different from the others. She was an elegant woman, dressed in attire almost befitting a royal despite her status. She carried herself with pride and confidence: blonde hair traveled to her waist in a simple ponytail, bright amber eyes, simple jewelry, tad touches of makeup, and an overall presentable figure. As she walked on the road towards the Hokage's residence, she paused for a brief moment. "I swear, if that Takamori idiot comes up to me...I will actually kick him where it hurts." Subsequently, she was interrupted by a little girl who had accidentally caused a ball to roll at the lady's foot. "Oh, here you are little girl." She said kindly with a smile, to which the little girl smiled with glee. "Thank you, uh...what is your name, Nee-san?" She asked, at which the woman responded, "My name is Samiya. How about yours?" Samiya had responded, to which the little girl brightly responded, "I am Miyako! Nice to meet you, Samiya-nee! But I have to go now!" She stated, running off with her ball to the direction where her friends were. "What a sweet little child..." Samiya thought to herself, out loud, before continuing on her path. Haru was running on his way as he confronted Samiya. He didn't know that she was the honorable Kazekage candidate, her appearance didn't hint that. All he saw was a beautiful lady on her way surrounded by some guards so he assumed she is an important person that was attending the meeting. Besides, he thought that the next Kazekage was going to be a man. He went up to the guards and said gently "Excuse me, gentlemen. I am looking for the Kazekage candidate. I heard he was going to be accompanied here." "You appear to be misinformed: I am the candidate for Kazekage." Samiya told the man, somewhat irritated at his lack of knowledge, although that was rather expected considering the gender inequality that reigned among some. "Did you have business with me? I am quite busy as of now." Samiya asked him, with an evidently irritated tone. "What?! you're the Kazekage candidate? You have my sincere apology. I like to welcome you to Konoha. I don't know if you have heard of me but you might have heard the name (Karasu) somewhere. I am that man and I came here to humbly challenge you for a dual as I want to see the skill of the hopefully future Kazekage. I would be honored if you accept my challenge." he said as he bowed to show respect for the Kazekage candidate. "Please don't flatter me with begrudging respect. If you'd like to respect me, do so in a less outlandish manner." Samiya told the man, before she continued, "I have a meeting with the Hokage at the moment, however. If I am known for anything outside of my combat is my punctuality. I'd have to delay your request for about half an hour, if you wouldn't mind?" Samiya cemented her argument, waiting for the man's response before continuing on her way. "It's no problem I'll be waiting for that battle." he said as he left after giving her the location of the battlefield. He then went back home to make sure that he has all of his gear ready. He picks up his headband and stares at it for a moment "This woman was strong enough to be a Kazekage candidate. I need to do my best." he thought to himself as he tied his headband. He then went to wait for Samiya in the discussed location.