  • Golavia
  • Golavia, officially The Province of Golavia is a province of the Federal Republic of Lodamun and is the location of the Capital City of Lodamun, Port Golavia, and with it Lodamun's Parliament. Golavia is also known as the cultural capital of Lodamun which contains Lodamun's Parliament, as well as being the home to many cultural and religious groups. Golavia has many large lush forests and jungles, which makes it ideal to be the home of Lodamun's forestry industry. Futhermore, Golavia has significant farming and shipping industries.
  • Golavia, officially The Province of Golavia is a province of the Federal Republic of Lodamun and is the location of the Capital City of Lodamun, Port Golavia, and with it Lodamun's Parliament. Golavia is also known as the cultural capital of Lodamun which contains Lodamun's Parliament, as well as being the home to many cultural and religious groups. Golavia has many large lush forests and jungles, which makes it ideal to be the home of Lodamun's forestry industry. Futhermore, Golavia has significant farming and shipping industries. Golavia does not border any nations, but borders every province in Lodamun, which is why it was chosen to be home to Lodamun's capital.
is Region of
is Headquarters of