  • Renee Tombcrusher
  • Renee Tombcrusher is a Venture League Explorer NPC who operates in Gnarled Forest. Based upon her journal, Renee Tombcrusher appears to hold a low opinion of pirates and cannot believe that Venture League allied with them. She blames them for being greedy and foolish enough to start collecting Maelstrom Crystals, which not only led to their infection but also to the corruption of the planet chunk itself.
  • Renee Tombcrusher is a Venture League Explorer NPC who operates in Gnarled Forest. Based upon her journal, Renee Tombcrusher appears to hold a low opinion of pirates and cannot believe that Venture League allied with them. She blames them for being greedy and foolish enough to start collecting Maelstrom Crystals, which not only led to their infection but also to the corruption of the planet chunk itself. Renee Tombcrusher has taken up a position at the Maelstrom Trench, firing at any Stromling Pirates who wander too close with her harpoon launcher. Toby Squidbarrel sends players to help her, and she tells players to build a Siren Statue on the opposite side of the Maelstrom Trench. After players succeed in this task, Renee sends players to help Arrrthur Arrrbuckle, who is having trouble with his own Siren Statue. Players can later catch Renee Tombcrusher daydreaming about a certain Venture League Hero. She reveals that she is a fan of Johnny Thunder and has a crush on him. She implies that she has met him before, suggesting that they may have worked together in the past. Players can bring her Johnny Thunder's autograph.
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