  • Peninsula district
  • The Peninsula district comprises the southwestern quadrant of the city of Neverwinter and is named for the geographic peninsula that forms most of the territory of this district. The central feature of this district is the Neverwinter prison, which occupies much of the geographic peninsula. (Most other buildings in this district are on the land connecting the geographic peninsula to the city core.) Other named locations that feature in the original campaign are the Neverwinter militia headquarters, Mizzenmast Mercantile (a store), and the Tanglebrook estate.
  • The Peninsula district comprises the southwestern quadrant of the city of Neverwinter and is named for the geographic peninsula that forms most of the territory of this district. The central feature of this district is the Neverwinter prison, which occupies much of the geographic peninsula. (Most other buildings in this district are on the land connecting the geographic peninsula to the city core.) Other named locations that feature in the original campaign are the Neverwinter militia headquarters, Mizzenmast Mercantile (a store), and the Tanglebrook estate. Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.