  • Oxygen
  • Oxygen
  • Oxygen is an element with chemical symbol 'O'. The valency of oxygen is 2. Oxygen is diatomic and therefore forms O2 molecules generally, but it can also form ozone, which is O3. Oxygen often plays a major role in oxidation reactions, although some oxidation reactions do not need oxygen. Oxygen has a relative atomic mass of 16.
  • Oxygen is the 8th element in the periodic element according to its atomic number. It is the second most electronegative element after Fluorine. Its electronegativity is 3.44 according to Pauling Scale. It is also a powerful oxidising agent having formed many oxides with elements readily. Under standard temperature and pressure it exists as dioxygen(O2) which is a colorless, odourless and tasteless gas. Free elemental O2 only began to accumulate in the atmosphere about 2.5 billion years ago during the Great Oxygenation Event, about a billion years after the first appearance of the Obligate anaerobic organisms.
  • Oxygen is used for breathing on ships, without which pilots will die. It is not a precious commodity due to its abundance.
  • Oxygen is a chemical element in the periodic table. It has the symbol O and atomic number 8.
  • Oxygen is a very reactive element. We breath it and life depends on it. Oxygen makes up part of water, the other part is Hydrogen.
  • Oxygen can also be obtained by using an Atmospheric Condenser, a special machine designed to extract useful elements and components right out of the atmosphere of the planet it's placed upon.
  • Oxygen is a fictional gas element for Powder Game.
  • Oxygen is a gas that is abundant on just about every inhabitable planet. Humans require oxygen, as well as a mixture of nitrogen, to survive. (SG1: "Revisions") It would seem that sulfur-based lifeforms such as the Gadmeer do not require oxygen as they were terraforming a planet to make it suitable for them to live on. (SG1: "Scorched Earth")
  • It serves Iberian food from Spain and Portugal. But, the food is made in a modern style with exotic ingredients. The chef and owner is Julio Torres who found it in 2007. It is a 3 star rated restaurant.
  • Oxygen is often breathed by many different creatures. In fact, 99.9 of all creatures breathe oxygen. they breathe oxygen by breathing in, taking air in. The oxygen is absorbed. According to Albert Einstein's Theory of Oxygen, this kills the oxygen. Nobody believed him. Oxygen lives on Earth mainly, but it also secretly lives in other places. We're not telling you which ones. That creates mystery. Mystery is cool. Oxygen is everywhere. It's on your cat, your bathroom even this page have oxygen. So basically, oxygen is everywhere.
  • Oxygen worked as a time limit in Deep Sea Struggle. When the player was out of oxygen it was gameover.
  • File:OxygenCJE thumb.gif Write the text of your article here!
  • Once, a space mist entered the Earth's atmosphere, where it was transformed into shamonite due to it's strange effects from the oxygen. It is invisible to the naked eye, just like the other gases that make up the atmosphere.
  • Oxygen Mask, or simply Oxygen, is a new utility introduced in Worms Clan Wars. When selected, your worm equips a mask which protects him from taking damage via dynamic water, and from poisonous gas. When the worm is wounded, this utility will disappear from your worm.
  • Oxygen is the tenth single release from GirlSpice and had success in the UK and European charts
  • The Doctor's eyes stop working, Nardole starts being annoying and Bill dies (but not really) marking the second companion death this series. Well at least until the Pope is killed next week.
  • Oxygen (, from the Greek roots ὀξύς (oxys) (acid, literally "sharp," from the taste of acids) and -γενής (-genēs) (producer, literally begetter) is the element with atomic number 8 and represented by the symbol O. It is a member of the chalcogen group on the periodic table, and is a highly reactive nonmetallic period 2 element that readily forms compounds (notably oxides) with almost all other elements. At standard temperature and pressure two atoms of the element bind to form dioxygen, a colorless, odorless, tasteless diatomic gas with the formula O2. Oxygen is the third most abundant element in the universe by mass after hydrogen and helium and the most abundant element by mass in the Earth's crust. Diatomic oxygen gas constitutes 20.9% of the volume of air.
  • Oxygen (pronounced /ˈɒksɨdʒɨn/, from the Greek roots ὀξύς (oxys) (acid, literally "sharp," from the taste of acids) and -γενής (-genēs) (producer, literally begetter) is the element with atomic number 8 and represented by the symbol O. It is a member of the chalcogen group on the periodic table, and is a highly reactive nonmetallic period 2 element that readily forms compounds (notably oxides) with almost all other elements. At standard temperature and pressure two atoms of the element bind to form dioxygen, a colorless, odorless, tasteless diatomic gas with the formula O2. Oxygen is the third most abundant element in the universe by mass after hydrogen and helium and the most abundant element by mass in the Earth's crust. Diatomic oxygen gas constitutes 20.9% of the volume of air.
  • Oxygen is a poisonous gas and an explosive. If you breathe it, you will become a fan of Al Gore. Oxygen is 100% addictive and 100% fatal. Withdrawal symptoms include shortness of breath, dizziness, unconsciousness, coma, death, and worst of all: liberalism Brain damage. It also allows certain chemicals to burn, thus aiding in the burning of heathens. In addition, half-burned souls would stop burning, making them vulnerable to a phenomenon known as "half-burning" which smells extremely bad, attracting even more liberals.
  • In every Mario appearance to date (as well as a few Dora The Explorer appearances and a Bob The Builder cameo), Oxygen has attacked by zooming toward Mario's gaping mouth. Upon doing so, the oxygen poisons Mario, making him briefly pause to go through a process known to those of the Real World as "breathing". Oxygen is a VERY formidable foe, especially considering that its gaseous fluidness allows it to completely surround the entire Mushroom Planet.
  • Oxygen is a gaseous element common in the atmosphere of class M planets, although at relatively low levels (about 20% on Earth, for example). Oxygen was vital for the survival of most carbon-based lifeforms. Some lifeforms, however, had adapted to go without oxygen for extended periods of time, such as Fantome from the Void, who had a very large lung capacity. (VOY: "The Void") One of the tests given at Starfleet Academy involved working in an atmosphere that was oxygen deficient. Choriocytosis produced similar symptoms to the conditions of the test. (TAS: "The Pirates of Orion")
  • Oxygen is a chemical element with symbol O and atomic number 8, that is used in the Banjo-Kazooie series to show how long Banjo and Kazooie can hold their breath underwater or areas that are toxic or heated. In Banjo-Kazooie, the oxygen meter is shaped like honeycombs. In Banjo-Tooie and Banjo-Kazooie: Grunty's Revenge, the oxygen meter is shaped as bubbles. If Banjo and Kazooie run out of air while underwater, they will drown. If they run out of air in the presence of polluted air or water, they will take constant damage.
  • Oxygen - американский цифровой кабельный и спутниковый телеканал, который принадлежит Oxygen Media, LLC, дочерней компании NBCUniversal Cable разделения NBCUniversal. Как и Lifetime и WE tv, в эфире Oxygen транслируются программы, ориентированные на женщин, в том числе телесериалы жанра реалити, приобретенные сериалы и художественные фильмы. По состоянию на август 2013 года, примерно в 78208000 американских семей (68,48% домохозяйств с телевидением) получают Oxygen.
  • Oxygen is a chemical element with symbol O and atomic number 8. It is a member of the chalcogen group on the periodic table and is a highly reactive nonmetallic element and oxidizing agent that readily forms compounds (notably oxides) with most elements. By mass, oxygen is the third-most abundant element in the universe, after hydrogen and helium. At STP, two atoms of the element bind to form dioxygen, a diatomic gas that is colorless, odorless, and tasteless, with the formula O.
  • Oxygen was one of the primary elements required for the functioning of many carbon-based life forms, it was produced by plant life. It was vital on space stations and spacecraft to allow said life forms to breathe. (TV: The Moonbase) Adric, Varsh, and a number of other Alzarians used oxygen cylinders against the Marshmen, causing a change in the atmosphere too quickly for them to adapt to. They then proceeded to flood the ship with the gas, forcing the Marshmen to flee. Their Starliner had an electrolytic power supply, enabling it to create its own oxygen. (TV: Full Circle)
  • Oxygen is a form of matter, a chemical element of the periodic table. Oxygen is vital for the survival of many carbon-based lifeforms, including Humans and other humanoids. Oxygen is commonly found in the form of gas in the atmosphere of many class M planets across the galaxy, although at fairly low levels. It is also found in atmospheres of class L, class O and class P planets, making all capable of supporting most humanoid lifeforms. (ST reference: Star Charts)
  • Oxygen is the element with atomic number 8 and represented by the symbol O. It is a member of the chalcogen group on the periodic table, and is a highly reactive non-metallic period 2 element that readily forms compounds (notably oxides) with almost all other elements. At standard temperature and pressure two atoms of the element bind to form dioxygen, a colorless, odourless, tasteless diatomic gas with the formula O2. Oxygen is the third most abundant element in the universe by mass after hydrogen and helium. All major classes of structural molecules in living organisms, such as proteins, carbohydrates, and fats, contain oxygen, as do the major inorganic compounds that comprise animal shells, teeth, and bone. Oxygen was independently discovered by Carl Wilhelm Scheele, in 1773 or earlier,
  • Despite the inherent dangers of running out of oxygen however, oxygen is usually in plentiful supply. Oxygenated areas are frequent where people dwell, and in man-made structures the air is contained by forcefields that hold in the atmosphere while allowing living things to pass. Similarly, there are also field units that when activated will erect a force bubble within which people can breathe freely.
  • Oxygen is a member of the chalcogen group on the periodic table, and is a highly reactive nonmetallic period 2 element that readily forms compounds with almost all other elements. Two atoms of the element bind to form dioxygen, with the formula O2. Oxygen is the third most abundant element in the universe and the most abundant element by mass in the Earth's crust.
  • The player's Oxygen reserve automatically replenishes whenever they comes back to the surface or enters a vehicle or a powered Seabase. Oxygen is produced within the Seabase, Seamoth and Cyclops naturally, as long as they have Energy. If they run out of power, no Oxygen will be produced. The HUD indicator for the player's Oxygen supply is located on the bottom left of the screen. The player has a base reserve of 45 units of Oxygen, which can be increased by 30 units by equipping a Standard O2 Tank or by up to 180 units with upgraded tanks.
  • Oxygen is a chemical element (atomic number 8) that is a colorless, odorless gas at room temperature. Roughly 23% of the atmosphere is molecular oxygen (O2). Oxygen is also the second most abundant element in the earth's crust after silicon, although it is often found bound in other molecules such as water (H2O). "You know how they say that you can't live without love? Well oxygen is even more important." ―House, on the importance of oxygen in Acceptance Hospitals have a ready supply of pure oxygen, which is routinely given to patients suffering from lung or heart problems.
  • Oxygen was invented in 1908 in the then small village of Miami, Florida by the inventors of the wheel; Jordan Wood and Stephen Jennings, primarily as a means to quicken the manufacturing of certain nail polishes. However, shortly after the outbreak of World War I, it was discovered that adding measured amounts of the substance resulted in some pretty kick ass explosions. It wasn't long before its use in the American war effort was in full swing, and its widely credited with the victory over Mexican forces in the street races in moscow.
  • Chemistry
  • Medicine
  • 10
Row 9 info
  • Greek for "vital air"
Row 8 info
  • Carl Wilhelm Scheele
Row 4 info
  • 15.999000
  • Pop
  • Yes
Row 7 title
  • Phase
  • Yes
  • No
Row 1 info
  • 2007-11-17
  • O
Row 8 title
  • Discovered by
  • ↑ 0.4 px/frame
Row 4 title
  • Genre
  • Atomic Weight
Row 9 title
  • Named after/by/for
  • With two Hydrogen to make Water and will disappear on contact with Players and Fire.
  • Vertical only
Sale Price
  • 13
Row 2 info
  • 8
  • CD, Digital Download
Row 6 info
  • Gas-colorless liquid-pale blue
  • [[#1-15Afro Tree
Row 1 title
  • Released
  • Symbol
Row 5 info
  • From a Certain Point of View
Row 2 title
  • Format
  • Atomic Number
Row 6 title
  • Color
Row 5 title
  • Label
  • Electrons Per Shell
Row 3 info
  • 2007
  • nonmetal, chalcogen
Row 3 title
  • Category
  • Recorded
Row 7 info
  • gas
Purchase Price
  • 125
  • 5
  • 7
  • 8
  • 0
  • Delays Fire from despawning.
Box Title
  • Oxygen
  • File: 8-icon.pngOxygen
  • Bump
  • Duty Roster
  • Period 2
  • OX
  • Banjo-Kazooie: Grunty's Revenge
  • Banjo-Kazooie (XBLA)
  • Banjo-Tooie (XBLA)
  • y
  • 0
  • undefined
  • oxygen
  • Gas
  • Oxygen atom
  • 1
  • 2017-05-13
  • The result of dissolving a 'Bale' into its elements - 02, namely Oxygen.
  • 54.36
  • 90.19
  • --09-19
  • Group 16
  • 15.999900
  • Oxygen
  • y
  • Breathing underwater and in toxic gases
  • Evloution Goods
  • Кислород/Канон
Image size
  • 200
  • Colourless
  • Air, oxygen honeycombs, oxygen bubbles
  • O
  • Wikijunior:The Elements/Oxygen
  • Seed's favourite food
  • 酸素
  • idAgostini1995
  • idBerner1999
  • idBrown2003
  • idCacace2001
  • idCampbell2005
  • idChiles2001
  • idCook1968
  • idCrabtree2001
  • idDaintith1994
  • idDesgreniers1990
  • idDole1965
  • idDonald1992
  • idEB1911
  • idEmsley2001
  • idEvansClaiborne2006
  • idFenical1983
  • idFreeman2005
  • idGreenwood1997
  • idHPaM2005
  • idHarrison1990
  • idHirayama1994
  • idJastrow1936
  • idKrieger-Liszkay2005
  • idLide2003
  • idLundegaard2006
  • idMellor1939
  • idMeyer2005
  • idMiller2003
  • idMorris2003
  • idPriestley1775
  • idRaven2005
  • idRoscoe1883
  • idShimizu1998
  • idSmart2005
  • idStwertka1998
  • idWalker1980
  • idWentworth2002
  • idWerley1991
  • idWoC2005
  • P-Block
Image File
  • Oxygen.jpg
  • 0
  • y
  • Doctor in Distress
  • Chemical elements
  • Oxygen
  • From a Certain Point of View
  • Period 2 elements
  • Chalcogens
  • y
  • Charles Palmer
  • 6
  • Happyman2341
  • Oxygen was invented in 1908 in the then small village of Miami, Florida by the inventors of the wheel; Jordan Wood and Stephen Jennings, primarily as a means to quicken the manufacturing of certain nail polishes. However, shortly after the outbreak of World War I, it was discovered that adding measured amounts of the substance resulted in some pretty kick ass explosions. It wasn't long before its use in the American war effort was in full swing, and its widely credited with the victory over Mexican forces in the street races in moscow. However, in the March of 2002, after scientists world wide finally conclusively proved that oxygen could also be used in explosive devices used against the United States of America, its sale and production were ceased completely. When intelligence came in that factories in Iraq were still secretly producing small quantities for private use, President Bush approved a plan for invasion.
  • Oxygen is an element with chemical symbol 'O'. The valency of oxygen is 2. Oxygen is diatomic and therefore forms O2 molecules generally, but it can also form ozone, which is O3. Oxygen often plays a major role in oxidation reactions, although some oxidation reactions do not need oxygen. Oxygen has a relative atomic mass of 16.
  • Oxygen is the 8th element in the periodic element according to its atomic number. It is the second most electronegative element after Fluorine. Its electronegativity is 3.44 according to Pauling Scale. It is also a powerful oxidising agent having formed many oxides with elements readily. Under standard temperature and pressure it exists as dioxygen(O2) which is a colorless, odourless and tasteless gas. Free elemental O2 only began to accumulate in the atmosphere about 2.5 billion years ago during the Great Oxygenation Event, about a billion years after the first appearance of the Obligate anaerobic organisms.
  • Oxygen is used for breathing on ships, without which pilots will die. It is not a precious commodity due to its abundance.
  • Oxygen is a poisonous gas and an explosive. If you breathe it, you will become a fan of Al Gore. Oxygen is 100% addictive and 100% fatal. Withdrawal symptoms include shortness of breath, dizziness, unconsciousness, coma, death, and worst of all: liberalism Brain damage. It also allows certain chemicals to burn, thus aiding in the burning of heathens. Oxygen is also required in Hell. If Hell's oxygen were to run out, Hell would no longer be able to burn all souls in the eternal lake of fire, and the entry list would get longer and longer, causing an enormous traffic jam of bastards waiting to get in. In addition, half-burned souls would stop burning, making them vulnerable to a phenomenon known as "half-burning" which smells extremely bad, attracting even more liberals.
  • Oxygen is a chemical element in the periodic table. It has the symbol O and atomic number 8.
  • Oxygen is a very reactive element. We breath it and life depends on it. Oxygen makes up part of water, the other part is Hydrogen.
  • Oxygen - американский цифровой кабельный и спутниковый телеканал, который принадлежит Oxygen Media, LLC, дочерней компании NBCUniversal Cable разделения NBCUniversal. Как и Lifetime и WE tv, в эфире Oxygen транслируются программы, ориентированные на женщин, в том числе телесериалы жанра реалити, приобретенные сериалы и художественные фильмы. По состоянию на август 2013 года, примерно в 78208000 американских семей (68,48% домохозяйств с телевидением) получают Oxygen. В начале 2014 года, было объявлено, что Oxygen проведет ребрендинг 7 октября 2014 года наряду с новым логотипом в стремлении к цели молодой женской аудитории.
  • Oxygen is a form of matter, a chemical element of the periodic table. Oxygen is vital for the survival of many carbon-based lifeforms, including Humans and other humanoids. Oxygen is commonly found in the form of gas in the atmosphere of many class M planets across the galaxy, although at fairly low levels. It is also found in atmospheres of class L, class O and class P planets, making all capable of supporting most humanoid lifeforms. (ST reference: Star Charts) Oxygen is a simpler element commonly know to readily interact with other types of matter, making it a prinicpal part of many life cycles, and as part of a great many chemical compounds, such as water and carbon dioxide. Other such compounds include carbon monoxide, ferrous oxides, nitrous oxide, clancium oxide, sodium oxide and tantalum bi-lithium thalo-dihydroxide.
  • Oxygen is the element with atomic number 8 and represented by the symbol O. It is a member of the chalcogen group on the periodic table, and is a highly reactive non-metallic period 2 element that readily forms compounds (notably oxides) with almost all other elements. At standard temperature and pressure two atoms of the element bind to form dioxygen, a colorless, odourless, tasteless diatomic gas with the formula O2. Oxygen is the third most abundant element in the universe by mass after hydrogen and helium. All major classes of structural molecules in living organisms, such as proteins, carbohydrates, and fats, contain oxygen, as do the major inorganic compounds that comprise animal shells, teeth, and bone. Oxygen was independently discovered by Carl Wilhelm Scheele, in 1773 or earlier, and Joseph Priestley, in 1774, but Priestley is often given priority because his publication came out in print first. The name oxygen was coined in 1777 by Antoine Lavoisier, whose experiments with oxygen helped to discredit the then-popular phlogiston theory of combustion and corrosion. Oxygen is produced industrially by fractional distillation of liquefied air, use of zeolites to remove carbon dioxide and nitrogen from air, electrolysis of water and other means.
  • Oxygen can also be obtained by using an Atmospheric Condenser, a special machine designed to extract useful elements and components right out of the atmosphere of the planet it's placed upon.
  • Oxygen was one of the primary elements required for the functioning of many carbon-based life forms, it was produced by plant life. It was vital on space stations and spacecraft to allow said life forms to breathe. (TV: The Moonbase) Adric, Varsh, and a number of other Alzarians used oxygen cylinders against the Marshmen, causing a change in the atmosphere too quickly for them to adapt to. They then proceeded to flood the ship with the gas, forcing the Marshmen to flee. Their Starliner had an electrolytic power supply, enabling it to create its own oxygen. (TV: Full Circle) Vionesium reacted with oxygen to produce light and carbon dioxide in large quantities. (TV: Terror of the Vervoids) By the 51st century, human space vessels could house oxygen factories in the form of synthetic forests, nicknamed "treeborgs". These used starlight to produce oxygen. (TV: Flesh and Stone) Earth's atmosphere was 80% nitrogen and 20% oxygen. In the 23rd century, the Eighth Doctor had altered Mars' atmosphere with the atmospheric re-ioniser on Deimos Moonbase to make it the same consistency, saving the human colonists below. (AUDIO: The Resurrection of Mars) There were oxygen factories on Venus during Empress Vulpina's reign. (AUDIO: Voyage to Venus) On one day in the 2010s, trees mysteriously grew across all the land on Earth. As the Twelfth Doctor discovered, it was a defense mechanism to protect the planet from the threat of a solar flare with excess oxygen. Once the solar flare struck and the worldwide forest's work of preservation succeeded, it promptly regressed to its former state. (TV: In the Forest of the Night) The atmosphere of Izdaal's tomb on Mars, while rich enough in nitrogen for the Ice Warriors to thrive in, also had enough oxygen for humans and Time Lords to breathe. (AUDIO: Red Dawn) In the caves of Androzani Minor there were low levels of the element. The Fifth Doctor claimed he could go down there because he could store oxygen for several minutes. However, Sharaz Jek gave him an oxygen cylinder the same. Moreover, the Doctor's TARDIS was provided with oxygenators. (TV: The Caves of Androzani) Qetesh didn't need oxygen to breathe. (TV: Goodbye, Sarah Jane Smith)
  • The player's Oxygen reserve automatically replenishes whenever they comes back to the surface or enters a vehicle or a powered Seabase. Oxygen is produced within the Seabase, Seamoth and Cyclops naturally, as long as they have Energy. If they run out of power, no Oxygen will be produced. The HUD indicator for the player's Oxygen supply is located on the bottom left of the screen. The player has a base reserve of 45 units of Oxygen, which can be increased by 30 units by equipping a Standard O2 Tank or by up to 180 units with upgraded tanks. The PDA will alert the player if they have less than 10 Oxygen remaining. The PDA will also alert the player when they have 30 Oxygen remaining, if they are diving far from the surface and don't have a tank equipped. The PDA will not play these alerts in Hardcore Mode. Depth is a factor that affects Oxygen consumption. When diving less than 100m the player will consume one unit per second; when diving between 100m and 200m three units are consumed per second; when diving deeper than 200m five units are consumed per second. This can be counteracted by equipping a Rebreather. If a Cyclops catches fire, it will produce smoke, which will, over time, cause the player to run out of Oxygen and suffocate.
  • Oxygen (pronounced /ˈɒksɨdʒɨn/, from the Greek roots ὀξύς (oxys) (acid, literally "sharp," from the taste of acids) and -γενής (-genēs) (producer, literally begetter) is the element with atomic number 8 and represented by the symbol O. It is a member of the chalcogen group on the periodic table, and is a highly reactive nonmetallic period 2 element that readily forms compounds (notably oxides) with almost all other elements. At standard temperature and pressure two atoms of the element bind to form dioxygen, a colorless, odorless, tasteless diatomic gas with the formula O2. Oxygen is the third most abundant element in the universe by mass after hydrogen and helium and the most abundant element by mass in the Earth's crust. Diatomic oxygen gas constitutes 20.9% of the volume of air. All major classes of structural molecules in living organisms, such as proteins, carbohydrates, and fats, contain oxygen, as do the major inorganic compounds that comprise animal shells, teeth, and bone. Oxygen in the form of O2 is produced from water by cyanobacteria, algae and plants during photosynthesis and is used in cellular respiration for all complex life. Oxygen is toxic to obligately anaerobic organisms, which were the dominant form of early life on Earth until O2 began to accumulate in the atmosphere 2.5 billion years ago. Another form (allotrope) of oxygen, ozone (O3), helps protect the biosphere from ultraviolet radiation with the high-altitude ozone layer, but is a pollutant near the surface where it is a by-product of smog. At even higher low earth orbit altitudes monatomic oxygen (O1) is a significant presence and a cause of erosion for spacecraft. Oxygen was independently discovered by Carl Wilhelm Scheele, in Uppsala, in 1773 or earlier, and Joseph Priestley in Wiltshire, in 1774, but Priestley is often given priority because his publication came out in print first. The name oxygen was coined in 1777 by Antoine Lavoisier, whose experiments with oxygen helped to discredit the then-popular phlogiston theory of combustion and corrosion. Oxygen is produced industrially by fractional distillation of liquefied air, use of zeolites to remove carbon dioxide and nitrogen from air, electrolysis of water and other means. Uses of oxygen include the production of steel, plastics and textiles; rocket propellant; oxygen therapy; and life support in aircraft, submarines, spaceflight and diving.
  • Oxygen is a member of the chalcogen group on the periodic table, and is a highly reactive nonmetallic period 2 element that readily forms compounds with almost all other elements. Two atoms of the element bind to form dioxygen, with the formula O2. Oxygen is the third most abundant element in the universe and the most abundant element by mass in the Earth's crust. There are several sections of the USG Ishimura, USM Valor, and Titan Station that are open (or have become open) to the vacuum of space. When Isaac enters one of these places, his suit automatically seals itself airtight, and an Oxygen meter starts to count down. If Isaac fails to either get to an Oxygen Recharge Station, a pressurized room or utilize an air can in time, he will suffocate and die.
  • Oxygen is a fictional gas element for Powder Game.
  • Oxygen is a gas that is abundant on just about every inhabitable planet. Humans require oxygen, as well as a mixture of nitrogen, to survive. (SG1: "Revisions") It would seem that sulfur-based lifeforms such as the Gadmeer do not require oxygen as they were terraforming a planet to make it suitable for them to live on. (SG1: "Scorched Earth")
  • It serves Iberian food from Spain and Portugal. But, the food is made in a modern style with exotic ingredients. The chef and owner is Julio Torres who found it in 2007. It is a 3 star rated restaurant.
  • Oxygen is a chemical element with symbol O and atomic number 8. It is a member of the chalcogen group on the periodic table and is a highly reactive nonmetallic element and oxidizing agent that readily forms compounds (notably oxides) with most elements. By mass, oxygen is the third-most abundant element in the universe, after hydrogen and helium. At STP, two atoms of the element bind to form dioxygen, a diatomic gas that is colorless, odorless, and tasteless, with the formula O. Many major classes of organic molecules in living organisms, such as proteins, nucleic acids, carbohydrates, and fats, contain oxygen, as do the major inorganic compounds that are constituents of animal shells, teeth, and bone. Most of the mass of living organisms is oxygen as it is a part of water, the major constituent of lifeforms (for example, about two-thirds of human body mass). Elemental oxygen is produced by cyanobacteria, algae and plants, and is used in cellular respiration for all complex life. Oxygen is toxic to obligately anaerobic organisms, which were the dominant form of early life on Earth until O began to accumulate in the atmosphere. Free elemental O only began to accumulate in the atmosphere about 2.5 billion years ago during the Great Oxygenation Event, about a billion years after the first appearance of these organisms. Diatomic oxygen gas constitutes 20.8% of the volume of air. Oxygen is the most abundant element by mass in the Earth's crust as part of oxide compounds such as silicon dioxide, making up almost half of the crust's mass. Oxygen is an important part of the atmosphere, and is necessary to sustain most terrestrial life as it is used in respiration. However, it is too chemically reactive to remain a free element in Earth's atmosphere without being continuously replenished by the photosynthetic action of living organisms, which use the energy of sunlight to produce elemental oxygen from water. Another form (allotrope) of oxygen, ozone (O), strongly absorbs UVB radiation and consequently the high-altitude ozone layer helps protect the biosphere from ultraviolet radiation, but is a pollutant near the surface where it is a by-product of smog. At even higher low earth orbit altitudes, sufficient atomic oxygen is present to cause erosion for spacecraft. Oxygen is produced industrially by fractional distillation of liquefied air, use of zeolites with pressure-cycling to concentrate oxygen from air, electrolysis of water and other means. Uses of elemental oxygen include the production of steel, plastics and textiles, brazing, welding and cutting of steels and other metals, rocket propellant, oxygen therapy and life support systems in aircraft, submarines, spaceflight and diving. Oxygen was discovered independently by Carl Wilhelm Scheele, in Uppsala, in 1773 or earlier, and Joseph Priestley in Wiltshire, in 1774, but Priestley is often given priority because his work was published first. The name oxygen was coined in 1777 by Antoine Lavoisier, whose experiments with oxygen helped to discredit the then-popular phlogiston theory of combustion and corrosion. Its name derives from the Greek roots ὀξύς oxys, "acid", literally "sharp", referring to the sour taste of acids and -γενής -genes, "producer", literally "begetter", because at the time of naming, it was mistakenly thought that all acids required oxygen in their composition.
  • Oxygen is a gaseous element common in the atmosphere of class M planets, although at relatively low levels (about 20% on Earth, for example). Oxygen was vital for the survival of most carbon-based lifeforms. Some lifeforms, however, had adapted to go without oxygen for extended periods of time, such as Fantome from the Void, who had a very large lung capacity. (VOY: "The Void") One of the tests given at Starfleet Academy involved working in an atmosphere that was oxygen deficient. Choriocytosis produced similar symptoms to the conditions of the test. (TAS: "The Pirates of Orion") During a scan of Aldean DNA, Doctor Beverly Crusher was able to confirm that a drop in atmospheric O2 was not responsible for the Aldeans' sterility. (TNG: "When The Bough Breaks" ) One species, the Benzites, could not breathe the oxygen-nitrogen atmosphere deemed "normal" by most Federation species. (TNG: "Coming of Age" ) When Kira Nerys and Doctor Julian Bashir beamed aboard the Kobliad transport ship Reyab, Bashir noted that the vessel's O2 pressure levels were dropping. (DS9: "The Passenger") In 2369 the runabout USS Ganges returned from a routine mission in the Gamma Quadrant to Deep Space 9 due to a power failure, their life support and oxygen levels dropped dangerously low. (DS9: "Q-Less") After the alien probe "Pup" damaged most of the station's systems in 2369, a plasma fire occurred in a corridor in the habitat ring. Major Kira Nerys gave Lieutenant Jones the order to bring portable oxygen and something to treat plasma burns. (DS9: "The Forsaken") Oxygen was also a critical component of life support functions aboard most space-going craft. In 2374, while playing a hypothetical game with the delusion Trajis Lo-Tarik, Seven of Nine asked him to imagine that the oxygen on the bridge of the USS Voyager had been depleted and then sealed it with a level 3 force field. Later, Seven cut power to all life support in order to maintain power to the ship's stasis units, and a delusion of Captain Kathryn Janeway commented that without heat and oxygen it was "Goodbye, Seven." (VOY: "One")
  • Oxygen is often breathed by many different creatures. In fact, 99.9 of all creatures breathe oxygen. they breathe oxygen by breathing in, taking air in. The oxygen is absorbed. According to Albert Einstein's Theory of Oxygen, this kills the oxygen. Nobody believed him. Oxygen lives on Earth mainly, but it also secretly lives in other places. We're not telling you which ones. That creates mystery. Mystery is cool. Oxygen is everywhere. It's on your cat, your bathroom even this page have oxygen. So basically, oxygen is everywhere.
  • Oxygen is a chemical element (atomic number 8) that is a colorless, odorless gas at room temperature. Roughly 23% of the atmosphere is molecular oxygen (O2). Oxygen is also the second most abundant element in the earth's crust after silicon, although it is often found bound in other molecules such as water (H2O). Oxygen was discovered as an independent element by Joseph Priestly in the late 18th century. He also discovered that oxygen is essential to all animal life and that an animal deprived of oxygen will suffocate in a matter of minutes. He also discovered that oxygen is produced from carbon dioxide (CO2) as a by-product of photosynthesis by plants. "You know how they say that you can't live without love? Well oxygen is even more important." ―House, on the importance of oxygen in Acceptance Modern science now understands that oxygen is required by all tissues of the body in order to extract energy at the molecular level in the cell. The brain is by far the organ that has the highest requirement for oxygen, using approximately 20% of the body's total oxygen and nutrient requirements despite making up less than 2% of its mass. Depriving the brain of oxygen for as little as three minutes results in irreversible damage. Hospitals have a ready supply of pure oxygen, which is routinely given to patients suffering from lung or heart problems. However, pure oxygen at high pressures, such as those that exist in a hyperbaric chamber, can be toxic as the oxygen degrades organic tissues because of its highly reactive nature.
  • Oxygen is a chemical element with symbol O and atomic number 8, that is used in the Banjo-Kazooie series to show how long Banjo and Kazooie can hold their breath underwater or areas that are toxic or heated. In Banjo-Kazooie, the oxygen meter is shaped like honeycombs. In Banjo-Tooie and Banjo-Kazooie: Grunty's Revenge, the oxygen meter is shaped as bubbles. If Banjo and Kazooie run out of air while underwater, they will drown. If they run out of air in the presence of polluted air or water, they will take constant damage. In Banjo-Kazooie, Gloop the fish, who is located at the very bottom of Clanker's Cavern, is able to give Banjo and Kazooie air bubbles. These air bubbles replenish two units of oxygen. In Banjo-Tooie, if Banjo and Kazooie rescue Roysten from under the boulder in Spiral Mountain, he will reward them with four extra oxygen bubbles.
  • Oxygen worked as a time limit in Deep Sea Struggle. When the player was out of oxygen it was gameover.
  • Despite the inherent dangers of running out of oxygen however, oxygen is usually in plentiful supply. Oxygenated areas are frequent where people dwell, and in man-made structures the air is contained by forcefields that hold in the atmosphere while allowing living things to pass. Similarly, there are also field units that when activated will erect a force bubble within which people can breathe freely. Out on the airless lunar surface, a more portable oxygen supply is needed. This comes in the form of Oz kits, a man-portable breathing apparatus that automatically detects the loss of atmosphere and erects a small air-retention forcefield that acts much like the large immobile units, but with a limited supply of air. There are several methods of recharging the oxygen available to an Oz kit. When travelling long distances on foot, one can find oxygen geysers, which can recharge a character's O2 when stepped on. They are usually marked as turquoise diamonds on the minimap. Moving into an atmosphere automatically allows natural breathing to resume and also recharges the Oz kit in the process. Boarding a Moon Buggy has the same effect, and has the added advantage of being mobile. Oxygen canisters dropped from fallen enemies are yet another method of recharging an Oz kit, and act as a single-use infusion each time they come into contact with a character. Oxygen can also offer a tactical consideration in combat where the lack of it can be as lethal as a bullet. A critical hit scored on the head of a scav may damage his Oz kit and cause him to take additional damage as his air vents out. The air supply can also be voluntarily vented to act as downward thrust to affect a ground slam attack, or as a double-jump to suspend a jump.
  • File:OxygenCJE thumb.gif Write the text of your article here!
  • In every Mario appearance to date (as well as a few Dora The Explorer appearances and a Bob The Builder cameo), Oxygen has attacked by zooming toward Mario's gaping mouth. Upon doing so, the oxygen poisons Mario, making him briefly pause to go through a process known to those of the Real World as "breathing". Oxygen is a VERY formidable foe, especially considering that its gaseous fluidness allows it to completely surround the entire Mushroom Planet. Oxygen also appears on other planets, such as Mars and Pluto (which is actually now just a dwarf planet, just like Luigi). It has yet to be discovered elsewhere, though; despite popular belief, it can not be found on Earth (where it has been totally replaced by the more environmentally friendly nitroglycerin).
  • Once, a space mist entered the Earth's atmosphere, where it was transformed into shamonite due to it's strange effects from the oxygen. It is invisible to the naked eye, just like the other gases that make up the atmosphere.
  • Oxygen (, from the Greek roots ὀξύς (oxys) (acid, literally "sharp," from the taste of acids) and -γενής (-genēs) (producer, literally begetter) is the element with atomic number 8 and represented by the symbol O. It is a member of the chalcogen group on the periodic table, and is a highly reactive nonmetallic period 2 element that readily forms compounds (notably oxides) with almost all other elements. At standard temperature and pressure two atoms of the element bind to form dioxygen, a colorless, odorless, tasteless diatomic gas with the formula O2. Oxygen is the third most abundant element in the universe by mass after hydrogen and helium and the most abundant element by mass in the Earth's crust. Diatomic oxygen gas constitutes 20.9% of the volume of air. All major classes of structural molecules in living organisms, such as proteins, carbohydrates, and fats, contain oxygen, as do the major inorganic compounds that comprise animal shells, teeth, and bone. Oxygen in the form of O2 is produced from water by cyanobacteria, algae and plants during photosynthesis and is used in cellular respiration for all complex life. Oxygen is toxic to obligately anaerobic organisms, which were the dominant form of early life on Earth until O2 began to accumulate in the atmosphere 2.5 billion years ago. Another form (allotrope) of oxygen, ozone (O3), helps protect the biosphere from ultraviolet radiation with the high-altitude ozone layer, but is a pollutant near the surface where it is a by-product of smog. Oxygen was independently discovered by Carl Wilhelm Scheele, in Uppsala, in 1773 or earlier, and Joseph Priestley in Wiltshire, in 1774, but Priestley is often given priority because his publication came out in print first. The name oxygen was coined in 1777 by Antoine Lavoisier, whose experiments with oxygen helped to discredit the then-popular phlogiston theory of combustion and corrosion. Oxygen is produced industrially by fractional distillation of liquefied air, use of zeolites to remove carbon dioxide and nitrogen from air, electrolysis of water and other means. Uses of oxygen include the production of steel, plastics and textiles; rocket propellant; oxygen therapy; and life support in aircraft, submarines, spaceflight and diving.
  • Oxygen Mask, or simply Oxygen, is a new utility introduced in Worms Clan Wars. When selected, your worm equips a mask which protects him from taking damage via dynamic water, and from poisonous gas. When the worm is wounded, this utility will disappear from your worm.
  • Oxygen is the tenth single release from GirlSpice and had success in the UK and European charts
  • The Doctor's eyes stop working, Nardole starts being annoying and Bill dies (but not really) marking the second companion death this series. Well at least until the Pope is killed next week.
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