  • Heroic Team Revolt
  • Some heroes aren't shining paragons of virtue. Frankly, some heroes aren't fit to bear the title of Anti-Hero. And sometimes, just sometimes, the rest of the squad notices this... and act accordingly. There's no What the Hell, Hero? this time for the unfortunate bungler. Usually after a colossal screw up or a moment of incredible selfishness, the hero has completely alienated the rest of the team and they're leaving with disgust, if not actually out for their former leaders blood. If lucky they will merely be forcibly demoting the former leader. This rarely leads to a dead hero, but it often leads to the hero being on his own for a while while he gets his act together.
  • Some heroes aren't shining paragons of virtue. Frankly, some heroes aren't fit to bear the title of Anti-Hero. And sometimes, just sometimes, the rest of the squad notices this... and act accordingly. There's no What the Hell, Hero? this time for the unfortunate bungler. Usually after a colossal screw up or a moment of incredible selfishness, the hero has completely alienated the rest of the team and they're leaving with disgust, if not actually out for their former leaders blood. If lucky they will merely be forcibly demoting the former leader. This rarely leads to a dead hero, but it often leads to the hero being on his own for a while while he gets his act together. Resolutions to this vary. * The hero may have a chance to redeem himself, usually while the rest of the squad is beleaguered while the hero learns his lesson and joins in with new skills and determination sorely needed, becoming the teams needed leader once again. * Alternatively, the hero and his lancer or other capable member may change positions. (Expect this one to cause trouble later.) * The hero may find himself Jumping Off the Slippery Slope as a Fallen Hero. This will also cause trouble as he's often one of the strongest characters, especially if his team abandoned him on moral grounds, and this kind of split is almost always on moral grounds as grounds of competence would simply lead to demotion. * If there were people who still agree with the current hero, there may be a case of Divided We Fall as the heroes turn on one another. * Finally, on very rare occasions the hero and his team may split off entirely, the former hero eventually joining up with another heroic, neutral or evil group while the rest continue on. Contrast Divided We Fall, where dissension arises despite the hero being in the right. Sub-trope of We ARE Struggling Together!, which covers general good guy division. The reasons for using this trope are numerous; it provides a moment of introspection for the hero and audience for the hero to really come to grips with his or her ideals and true feelings... and how far the hero has fallen away from them. And, perhaps, how that selfishness in putting the heroes own feelings above the needs of the group has led him away from cherished ideals... which the character finds he or she feels even more strongly about than the issues he or she was having before. Examples: