  • Mingle extensively
  • From: [[]] Meet everyone. Be confident. [Find the rest of the story at ]
Success title
  • Worth the itching scalp
Failure title
  • An old acquaintance
Game Instructions
  • Gain Progress.
Failure description
  • You had no reason to think she would be here. She is not fooled for a moment by your wig or your costume [...]. She makes you the talk of the party. It takes all your skill to convince your mark that she is raving.
From Card/Storylet title
  • Your Mark's Hospitality
Success description
  • You mingle, you flatter, you charm, and you do it all in borrowed clothing [...]. You listen for half an hour to an Infamous Bore, and he doesn't even realise you are the same person he has so often bored before.
  • Meet everyone. Be confident.
  • From: [[]] Meet everyone. Be confident. [Find the rest of the story at ]