  • Difficulty class
  • A difficulty class, or DC, is the number that a player must meet or beat after rolling a d20 and adding modifiers to succeed in a check or saving throw. Difficulty classes are generally given in spell or item descriptions.
  • Difficulty class (DC) is a number that describes how hard a particular action is, with higher numbers indicating harder actions. When a character's action has a DC, a die roll determines whether or not that action is successful. If the roll of a d20 plus applicable modifiers is at least the DC, then the action succeeds; if it is less than the DC, then the action fails.
  • A difficulty class, or DC, is the number that a player must meet or beat after rolling a d20 and adding modifiers to succeed in a check or saving throw. Difficulty classes are generally given in spell or item descriptions.
  • Difficulty class (DC) is a number that describes how hard a particular action is, with higher numbers indicating harder actions. When a character's action has a DC, a die roll determines whether or not that action is successful. If the roll of a d20 plus applicable modifiers is at least the DC, then the action succeeds; if it is less than the DC, then the action fails.