  • Hatter
  • Hatter
  • From hat +‎ -er.
  • The Hatter is a fictional character in Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found There by Lewis Carroll.
  • The Hatter explains to Alice that he and the March Hare are always having tea because, when he tried to sing for the Queen of Hearts at her celebration, she sentenced him to death for "murdering the time," but he escapes decapitation. In retaliation, Time halts himself in respect to the Hatter, keeping him and the March Hare stuck at 6:00 forever. The tea party, when Alice arrives, is characterized by switching places on the table at any given time, making short, personal remarks, asking unanswerable riddles and reciting nonsensical poetry, all of which eventually drive Alice away. He appears again as a witness at the Knave of Hearts' trial, where the Queen appears to recognize him as the singer she sentenced to death, and the King also cautions him not to be nervous "or I'll have you exec
Row 4 info
  • Charles Lutwidge Dodgson
Battle Start
  • The hat makes the man!
  • 2700
  • 2835
  • 2970
skill lv
  • Recovers 100% of it's own troops / 10% chance
  • Recovers 100% of it's own troops / 15% chance
Row 1 info
  • Hatta
Row 4 title
  • Created by
Row 2 info
  • Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
Row 1 title
  • Real Name
  • Infinite
Row 2 title
  • First Appearance
  • 2850
  • 2992
  • 3135
friendship max
  • Your head is mine! I'm going
  • to top it with all sorts of hats!
friendship event
  • was a success because
  • I made another hat in my
  • I was dreaming of you!
  • sleep, but this time...
battle end
  • I need a helm, not a hat.
Row 3 info
  • Macmillan
  • R
Row 3 title
  • Original Publisher
Box Title
  • The Hatter
  • Dark
  • I have the perfect hat for
  • you. Here, try it on.
  • 2850
  • 2992
  • 3135
  • Magic Hat
  • This hat maker works late into the night, but even in her sleep, she keeps on working.
  • 28
  • 34
  • 37
  • I sleep work at times, but my
  • creations are mostly flops.
  • The Hatter explains to Alice that he and the March Hare are always having tea because, when he tried to sing for the Queen of Hearts at her celebration, she sentenced him to death for "murdering the time," but he escapes decapitation. In retaliation, Time halts himself in respect to the Hatter, keeping him and the March Hare stuck at 6:00 forever. The tea party, when Alice arrives, is characterized by switching places on the table at any given time, making short, personal remarks, asking unanswerable riddles and reciting nonsensical poetry, all of which eventually drive Alice away. He appears again as a witness at the Knave of Hearts' trial, where the Queen appears to recognize him as the singer she sentenced to death, and the King also cautions him not to be nervous "or I'll have you executed on the spot." When the character makes his appearance as "Hatta" in Through the Looking-Glass, he is in trouble with the law once again. This time, however, he is not necessarily guilty: the White Queen explains that, quite often, subjects are punished before they commit a crime, rather than after, and sometimes they do not even commit it at all. He is also mentioned as being one of the White King's messengers, and the March Hare appears as well as "Haigha", since the King explains that he needs two messengers: "one to come, and one to go."
  • From hat +‎ -er.
  • The Hatter is a fictional character in Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found There by Lewis Carroll.