  • Barrow of the Redeemer
  • It was the burial place of Itkovian. It was made of small gifts or tributes which were piled on his body by all the survivors of the Siege of Coral, who filed by one by one. The procession took all night. The barrow was then invested with Tellann magic as a tribute by the T'lan Imass Itkovian had redeemed and was therefore unassailable. Seerdomin was known for keeping a daily vigil at the Great Barrow.
  • It was the burial place of Itkovian. It was made of small gifts or tributes which were piled on his body by all the survivors of the Siege of Coral, who filed by one by one. The procession took all night. The barrow was then invested with Tellann magic as a tribute by the T'lan Imass Itkovian had redeemed and was therefore unassailable. Seerdomin was known for keeping a daily vigil at the Great Barrow.