  • Duovigintillion
  • A duovigintillion or viginti-deutillion is equal to 1069 in America, or 10132 in France and Germany. In the long scale, 1069 is called undecilliard, which is commonly used in France and Germany. This number is also called icositrillion in Russ Rowlett's Greek-based naming system. Aarex Tiaokhiao gave the name vigitretillion, referring to the value of this number. The prefix gigama- has meaning of one duovigintillion.
  • A duovigintillion or viginti-deutillion is equal to 1069 in America, or 10132 in France and Germany. In the long scale, 1069 is called undecilliard, which is commonly used in France and Germany. This number is also called icositrillion in Russ Rowlett's Greek-based naming system. Aarex Tiaokhiao gave the name vigitretillion, referring to the value of this number. The prefix gigama- has meaning of one duovigintillion.