  • Jax Pavan 533,016,442
  • Jax Pavan 533,016,442 was one of the 582,797,754 Human males named Jax Pavan on Coruscant. Jax spent the first twenty years of his life playing video games and generally being a lazy guy. He finally got prodded into going to community college, but dropped out after one semester. He and his friend Jax Pavan 72,420 would often beat up his younger, more successful, cousin, Jax Pavan 46. Jax died tragically at the age of 45 from an allergic reaction to a biting flitnat. Before he died, he went by "Scooter".
  • Jax Pavan 533,016,442 was one of the 582,797,754 Human males named Jax Pavan on Coruscant. Jax spent the first twenty years of his life playing video games and generally being a lazy guy. He finally got prodded into going to community college, but dropped out after one semester. He and his friend Jax Pavan 72,420 would often beat up his younger, more successful, cousin, Jax Pavan 46. Jax died tragically at the age of 45 from an allergic reaction to a biting flitnat. Before he died, he went by "Scooter".