  • Lacey Fontaine
  • Lacey Fontaine was born to Frederick and Patrice Fontaine on March 23, 1983 in Montreal Quebec, Canada. At the age of three, Patrice Fontaine tragically passed away after her car was struck by a minivan being driven by a man under the influence of alcohol. As a result of her mother's passing, Lacey and her brother Marshall were raised by their father. At the age of eighteen, Lacey graduated from High School with no immediate plans to attend college or university.
Birth Date
  • 1983-03-23
  • Lacey Fontaine
Birth Place
  • Montreal Quebec, Canada
  • 162.56
  • Lacey Fontaine
  • 2010-04-19
Image width
  • 250
billed from
  • Toronto Ontario, Canada
  • Toronto Ontario, Canada
  • Lacey Fontaine
  • Lacey Fontaine was born to Frederick and Patrice Fontaine on March 23, 1983 in Montreal Quebec, Canada. At the age of three, Patrice Fontaine tragically passed away after her car was struck by a minivan being driven by a man under the influence of alcohol. As a result of her mother's passing, Lacey and her brother Marshall were raised by their father. Lacey spent much of her life at home with her father and brother, adapting to many of their more masculine hobbies which included watching Hockey, playing video games, and spectating their once-a-month poker nights. It was at the age of ten when Lacey was introduced to professional wrestling when her father had the idea to take his two children to an exhibition that was passing through the city. From the moment she attended that exhibition, Lacey became enamoured by the world of professional wrestling. For years after, Lacey made a habit of preparing breakfast for her family every Saturday morning in order for the three of them to enjoy the weekly Saturday morning wrestling event on television. From the age of seventeen, Lacey began training in the art of professional wrestling, hoping to one day break into the business she fell in love with. She kept her training a secret from her father, who she believed wouldn't support her decision to get into such an industry, but was very open with her brother about it. At the age of eighteen, Lacey graduated from High School with no immediate plans to attend college or university. Upon leaving High School, Lacey worked two jobs, she worked as a clown for children's birthday parties during the day, and as a waitress at the local pub at night. While juggling regular jobs, Lacey also performed in wrestling matches as independent shows across Quebec and Ontario. Having such a hectic schedule made finding balance impossible, and often led to Lacey being fired from her other jobs. On July 23, 2003 Lacey received a call from nortorious wrestling promoter Gryffon Harlow, had a proposition for the young, aspiring wrestler. Gryffon was starting a brand new promotion out of Calgary Alberta by the name of Calgary Wrestling Alliance. Lacey graciously accepted the offer, and mere days later had bid her family a heavy-hearted farewell as she boarded a flight across the country, with no imminent plans of return.