  • Riakin Sanctuary
  • The Riakin Sanctuary was a site on the planet Vulcan which was where High Master of the Kolinahru T'sai conducted the Kolinahr training. In 2294, Vulcan master T'Vora stated to Spock that his current training for Kolinahr would be different as she was not High Master T'sai nor would the Akrelt Refuge be similar to the Riakin Sanctuary. (TOS novel: The Fire and the Rose)
  • The Riakin Sanctuary was a site on the planet Vulcan which was where High Master of the Kolinahru T'sai conducted the Kolinahr training. In 2294, Vulcan master T'Vora stated to Spock that his current training for Kolinahr would be different as she was not High Master T'sai nor would the Akrelt Refuge be similar to the Riakin Sanctuary. (TOS novel: The Fire and the Rose)