  • The Toffs and the Toughs
  • The Toffs and the Toughs was a regular feature in Knockout throughout its run from 1971-1973, a fairly typical but nonetheless usually well drawn and entertaining story about two rival gangs of kids-the super rich Toffs, who were usually presented as arrogant bullies, and the penniless Toughs, who despite their aggressive sounding name were generally depicted as fair minded and decent. The Toffs would invariably come off worst when they attempted to get one over on the Toughs, usuallly due to their own stupidity or that of their sycophantic servants. The strip was drawn by Joe McCaffrey.
  • The Toffs and the Toughs was a regular feature in Knockout throughout its run from 1971-1973, a fairly typical but nonetheless usually well drawn and entertaining story about two rival gangs of kids-the super rich Toffs, who were usually presented as arrogant bullies, and the penniless Toughs, who despite their aggressive sounding name were generally depicted as fair minded and decent. The Toffs would invariably come off worst when they attempted to get one over on the Toughs, usuallly due to their own stupidity or that of their sycophantic servants. The strip was drawn by Joe McCaffrey.