  • Neg
  • NEG
  • Neg
  • Neg was a male captain who was active in 32 BBY. Neg lived in a house in the Tatooine city of Mos Espa, where he kept a deadly beast. Around the time of the Invasion of Naboo, he captured an Ithorian boy named Tomo, whom Neg forced to work without respite for months. However, while the captain was hunting banthas in the Dune Sea, Tomo's mother met Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn, who agreed to help free her son. Jinn infiltrated Neg's house, killed Neg's beast when it attacked him, and freed Tomo from captivity.
  • Negii sunt excrescențe ale pielii, care sunt inofensive și sunt produse de papiloma virus. Acest virus pătrunde în organism prin intermediul unor leziuni aflate la nivelul pielii. Astfel, se produce o creștere rapidă a stratului exterior al pielii și rezultă negul sau veruca. În mod normal, negii dispar în câteva luni sau ani (în cazuri extreme). Negii se mai numesc și verucă sau aluniță.
  • Neg (also known as Virus.MSExcel.Neg) (also breifly Lord) is a macro virus on Win32. It is a Microsoft Excel document with a macro attached.
  • Microsoft Windows
  • Neg
  • Virus
  • .xlm
  • Virus.MSExcel.Neg
  • Foxz with NEG
  • Neg was a male captain who was active in 32 BBY. Neg lived in a house in the Tatooine city of Mos Espa, where he kept a deadly beast. Around the time of the Invasion of Naboo, he captured an Ithorian boy named Tomo, whom Neg forced to work without respite for months. However, while the captain was hunting banthas in the Dune Sea, Tomo's mother met Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn, who agreed to help free her son. Jinn infiltrated Neg's house, killed Neg's beast when it attacked him, and freed Tomo from captivity.
  • Negii sunt excrescențe ale pielii, care sunt inofensive și sunt produse de papiloma virus. Acest virus pătrunde în organism prin intermediul unor leziuni aflate la nivelul pielii. Astfel, se produce o creștere rapidă a stratului exterior al pielii și rezultă negul sau veruca. În mod normal, negii dispar în câteva luni sau ani (în cazuri extreme). Negii se mai numesc și verucă sau aluniță.
  • Neg (also known as Virus.MSExcel.Neg) (also breifly Lord) is a macro virus on Win32. It is a Microsoft Excel document with a macro attached.