  • Legion Apothecarion Detachment
  • Legion Apothecaries were charged with maintaining the bodily health of their Battle-Brothers. Serving as battlefield healers it was the Apothecary's task to proffer aid to the wounded, return the injured back to the fray and minister final mercy (the Emperor's Peace) to those in need of it. For those beyond help, they also had the onerous duty of recovering the Legion's gene-seed zygotes for implantation in future generations of Space Marines. These tasks required skill, learning and above all else, courage, for it was one thing to fight an enemy, and quite another to turn from battle and tend to the fallen in the midst of war when all around was a whirlwind of slaughter, heedless of safety.
  • Legion Apothecaries were charged with maintaining the bodily health of their Battle-Brothers. Serving as battlefield healers it was the Apothecary's task to proffer aid to the wounded, return the injured back to the fray and minister final mercy (the Emperor's Peace) to those in need of it. For those beyond help, they also had the onerous duty of recovering the Legion's gene-seed zygotes for implantation in future generations of Space Marines. These tasks required skill, learning and above all else, courage, for it was one thing to fight an enemy, and quite another to turn from battle and tend to the fallen in the midst of war when all around was a whirlwind of slaughter, heedless of safety.