  • Therizinosauridae
  • Therizinosauridae ("reaper lizards") is a family of advanced herbivorous or omnivorous theropod dinosaurs. Therizinosaurid fossil remains have been recovered from mid-late Cretaceous Period deposits from Mongolia, China, and the United States.
  • Therizinosaurs were an unusual group of coelurosaurian theropods, walking flat-footed on all four toes and possessing three signature giant claws on each hand. Members of this group also sport long necks and small heads, and were all herbivorous, despite being theropods. They are close relatives of the oviraptorosaurs. The only therizinosaurs seen have been a Secret Dinosaur and in a Normal Move, so their native element is unknown, though based on related coelurosaurs, it might be Wind. However, a now-non-functioning Dino Holder game website depicts Therizinosaurus to a be a Fire Dinosaur.
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  • Suborder
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  • (Maleev, 1954)
  • Therizinosauridae
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  • Class
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  • Superorder
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  • Family
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  • Superfamily
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  • Order
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  • (Barsbold & Perle, 1983) * Nanshiungosauridae
  • (Dong & Yu, 1997) * Erlikosauridae
  • (Perle, 1979) * Enigmosauridae
  • (Ryan & Russell, 2001)
  • * Segnosauridae
  • Therizinosauridae
  • Nothronychus
fossil range
  • Late Cretaceous, 94-96 Ma
  • Possible Early Jurassic record
  • Therizinosauridae ("reaper lizards") is a family of advanced herbivorous or omnivorous theropod dinosaurs. Therizinosaurid fossil remains have been recovered from mid-late Cretaceous Period deposits from Mongolia, China, and the United States.
  • Therizinosaurs were an unusual group of coelurosaurian theropods, walking flat-footed on all four toes and possessing three signature giant claws on each hand. Members of this group also sport long necks and small heads, and were all herbivorous, despite being theropods. They are close relatives of the oviraptorosaurs. The only therizinosaurs seen have been a Secret Dinosaur and in a Normal Move, so their native element is unknown, though based on related coelurosaurs, it might be Wind. However, a now-non-functioning Dino Holder game website depicts Therizinosaurus to a be a Fire Dinosaur.
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