  • Ginsterization (deleted 05 Sep 2008 at 23:35)
  • Ginsterization refers to the process whereby supposedly authentic local products are mass produced outside of their area of origin for global consumption (as practiced by Ginsters). There are two central and contradictory elements to the process. Firstly, local origin becomes an increasingly important advertising tool to differentiate the product in the marketplace. The term Ginsterization is gaining popularity as a central concept of contemporary sociology, where it replaces more passe concepts such as George Ritzer's McDonaldization.
  • Ginsterization refers to the process whereby supposedly authentic local products are mass produced outside of their area of origin for global consumption (as practiced by Ginsters). There are two central and contradictory elements to the process. Firstly, local origin becomes an increasingly important advertising tool to differentiate the product in the marketplace. Secondly, the product is modified for mass production and consumption, making it increasingly inauthentic just as its authenticity becomes more important. For example, Ginsters 'Cornish' pasties are made from puff pastry rather than shortcrust like traditional Cornish pasties. The term Ginsterization is gaining popularity as a central concept of contemporary sociology, where it replaces more passe concepts such as George Ritzer's McDonaldization.