  • Petticoating
  • Petticoating, or pinaforing, is a kind of child discipline that revolves around a male's being made to appear nude, before being dressed as a girl, either in front of his stepmother, his sisters, or, in some cases, girls of his own age whom he has offended by his boorish behavior. As a form of child discipline, such forced feminization is employed, usually by stepmothers, to dress unruly boys as girls.
  • Petticoating, or pinaforing, is a kind of child discipline that revolves around a male's being made to appear nude, before being dressed as a girl, either in front of his stepmother, his sisters, or, in some cases, girls of his own age whom he has offended by his boorish behavior. As a form of child discipline, such forced feminization is employed, usually by stepmothers, to dress unruly boys as girls.