  • Familiar
  • Familiar
  • Familiar
  • Familiar
  • Familiar
  • Familiar
  • A Familiar is a supernatural being that serves a witch.
  • Familiars are enchanted creatures who follow and guide new witches to protect them while they learn the craft. After their work is done, they run away to their next charge. Familiars are naturally attuned to the seasons and phases of the moon and can be helpful in teaching the young witch a heightened awareness of his or her environment. As seen with Tuatha, even evil witches have familiars; guiding them down the path of evil. Certain familiars can become human as a reward for their faithful service so they can guide and train other familiars as well like Katrina.
  • [[Archivo:Huron_Blackheart_Corsarios_Rojos_Caos_Warhammer_40k_Wikihammer.jpg|thumb|300px|Hamadrya (a los pies de Huron) es un ejemplo de familiar]]Los Familiares son objetos o criaturas modificadas genéticamente o corrompidas por la disformidad, con la finalidad de aumentar las habilidades y el poder psíquico de su amo.
  • Familiar is a bat that lives in a group in a dark cave. It sucks blood from living things nearby using small but sharp teeth. A gray bat that's not very strong, but really annoying because it attacks very fast and relentlessly pursues passersby.
  • Przyzwane przez gracza stwory mają różne umiejetności i pomagają mu w walce. To jest zalążek zalążka artykułu. Jeśli potrafisz – rozbuduj go. Ten artykuł jest tak mały że nie może zostać uznany nawet za zalążek. Informacje w nim zawarte są praktycznie żadne. Artykuł powinien zostać rozbudowany jak najszybciej. Musi on zyskać przynajmniej status zwykłego zalążka, inaczej zostanie usunięty! Familiar
  • Familiars are Souls absorbed by Vampires.
  • Familiar m. (feminine familiar, plural familiares) 1. * of family 2. * close, familiar 3. * daily, plain
  • Familiars are, essentially, pets. Each familiar assists you in battle in some way - for instance, the Mosquito pet sucks your enemies blood and uses it to restore your hit points.
  • Few notes to familiars on Arelith: * Characters don't gain any EXP while possessing familiars. * Characters' state is still altered while familiar is possessed. The mage may die from hunger or thirst. * Familiars don't have inventory. They can not carry items, including keys. They can not open door locked by a specific key or storage chests. * There is console command -familiar that allows player to speak through their familiar without possessing it.
  • A familiar is a normal creature that has been summoned to service by a sorcerer or wizard, after which it becomes a magical beast and gains new powers. They are magically linked to their masters, in some sense, practically existing as one being. All familiars have special abilities along with granting special abilities to its master.
  • A familiar is a spiritual or supernatural being in the shape of an animal. This animal has symbolism or energy that can be important for one to know and use in their magickal workings, or even in their every day life. This concept is often confused with the Native American concept of totems and spirit animals.
  • A Familiar is a shifter who works in coordination with a Magistar to help cast spells. The fact that a Familiar is always a shifter is a carefully guarded secret.
  • A hermetic familiar is a magical animal bound with a magus. This is a voluntary bond on the part of both the magus and the animal. Though the bond brings benefits and powers to both magus and familiar, it involves a much deeper connection. Except for possibly a spouse, a familiar by its nature becomes the closest companion a magus will ever have.
  • A familiar (使い魔 tsukaima) in the Nanoha universe is a magical creature that is created by a mage, based on an animal form.
  • Through the use of Conjury, a Noble Dead is able to connect with an animal and see through their eyes and control their actions. Familiars can act as spies, slipping into places that their master cannot. An experienced Noble Dead can have more than one familiar. The vampire Chane had both a rat and a raven as a familiar at the same time. Chane teaches his master Toret how to create a familiar with a wolf.
  • To the Yuuzhan Vong, a familiar or mascot was one who was a trusted aide, a close companion, and if need be, tutor. A familiar had additional meanings and duties which were unknown. Familiars and masters were connected to each other until one died. Vergere was a familiar to Falung and Elan. Vergere's relationship with the two priestesses was a form of mentorship. Onimi was also the familiar of Supreme Overlord Shimrra. While Onimi used the position to control Shimrra, in public, their relationship was physically abusive, and Onimi functioned as a jester rather than an aide.
  • A familiar is a creature that makes a contract with a as a servant. The familiar is usually summoned by a spell, after which a contract is made. Once contracted, runes are magically engraved on the familiar. However, during Brimir's time, the runes were engraved by hand. The familiars of most mages remain unknown.
  • A familiar is a magical creature which serves as a sort of servant to an accomplished wizard. The power of the Familiar seems to be in direct proportion to the power of the Wizard to whom it is a companion to. It is known that the Familiar can exist when the Wizard is unconscious, and is able to continue spells that the Wizard had cast. (For example: Fenrus able to keep Erasmus' house afloat in QfG5.) Notable familiars include: * Fenrus, familiar of Erasmus (or is that the other way around?) * Damiano, familiar of Zara * Archimedes, a familiar of Merlin.
  • Familiars have been described as the alter-ego, spirit companion, or animal that aids a witch. The definition of a familiar may vary from person to person. Some believe that the familar is a projection of the self, others that it is a separate entity, and still others that it is a physical animal.
  • Familiars (使い魔, Tsukaima?) are special assistants used by the magi. Since it's natural for a magus to separate himself from society, the use of familiars capable of performing small, simple errands is considered orthodox. Although a different entity, familiars are seen as an extension of the magus as there is both a mental and physical connection between the two. The symbol of the magus itself and fundamentally different from creatures like the Demons or Spirits who are summoned and then bound by a contract.
  • Familiar is a creature that has penguin and puffle parts. He got this from going into a Demon Cloning Machine on August 3, 2009.
  • A Familiar is a spirit that accompanies you as your friend and ally. It is not a real creature, and doesn't need to eat or breathe. A familiar is obtained with the Arcane Familiar feat, and you may select a different familiar by retraining said feat.
  • Familiars are a race of celestial beings who are usually in the service of more powerful beings, mostly Divinians and other god-like beings. They come in a variety of subraces, all of which are very distinct from one another. Despite being servitors, they maintain their own sense of hierarchy.
  • A familiar, or familiar spirit, is a supernatural entity that assist witches in their practice of magic and witchcraft. They serve a witch as a domestic companion, servant, and spy. On the HBO original series True Blood, Familiars can appear in numerous disguises, but are often animal-shaped, although human or humanoid figures may also exist. __TOC__
  • Familiars are supernatural beings that can be summoned to aid practitioners of magic and are most commonly associated with witches.
  • Familiars are artificially-created creatures and constructs that slavishly follow and attend to their master. Familiars can be based on a wide number of living creatures, bio-constructs or pure automata. These are restricted to creatures smaller than an adult human (anything else would class as a Servitor), and by their nature cling to a single master unless instructed otherwise. Mostly, Familiars do not possess any significant degree of intelligence and are trained or programmed to perform certain tasks on command. Familiars are either living creatures controlled by the mind of their master via arcane psyber neuro-implants or are cybernetic creatures controlled by voice or coded Vox-signal command. Such slaved creatures are the strange fruit of ancient sciences and arcane superstitions, a
  • A familiar is a piratey pet won in huge tourneys, like the Olympic Champions League or certain forum contests. They are only created when two OceanMasters agree to create one, and what results is a huge tournament or contest likely to have many entrants. In other words, it's very hard to get a familiar. Familiars are rarely available for purchase and never directly from the Ringers. When a player decides to part with his or her hard-won familiar, the general asking price lies somewhere from 2,000,000 to 5,000,000 Pieces of Eight.
  • A familiar is a small creature that is magically linked to its owner. Familiars are summoned creatures and can be summoned or unsummoned freely unless they are killed. They do not try to engage in combat, and usually just follow behind the master. While summoned, they grant a bonus that is roughly the equivalent of a feat. As the master advances, so do the familiars. They gain more hit points, better saving throws, and so on. They also gain evasion and spell resistance. During character creation, they can be named. They are intended to essentially be small buff totems and cool looking pets.
  • An artificial race created by baphomet, who once possessed immense power rivaling that of the demon lord. They are employed as familiars by the witches of “Sabbath,” and aside from that, they're also entrusted with proselytizing for Sabbath and recruitment.
  • A familiar is a magical companion and servant of a mage and is linked to its master's lifeforce intimately. It takes the form of its master's preferred animal which can be anything from a cat to a raven. A familiar communicates with people via telepathy and, as far as academic records on the subject show, is independent enough to think on its own terms and can even offer suggestions to its master but can't disobey orders or harm its master. Summoning and forming a bond with a familiar is a difficult process which requires patience and understanding, which is why many mages don't go through the effort of creating a familiar.
  • According to the transcripts of witch trials, there are three different ways in which somebody could come into possession of a familiar. The familiar may be gifted to a young person by someone else, such as an older relative, a more powerful spirit or the Devil himself. The familiar may suddenly and unexpectedly appear to somebody who has never thought about practicing magic before while that person is going about his or her daily business in the house or garden. The familiar may appear to someone who has cried out for help in desperation, usually as a result of poverty, unemployment, illness or extreme sadness following the death of a relative. The familiar offers to teach the unfortunate person magic, saying that it will get the person out of his or her desperate situation.
  • Familiars are creatures who are bound to a character and follow them for a certain reason or from a certain force; warlocks, shaman, and mages are known to have familiars following them. Warlocks Warlocks bend demonic forces to their will, able to summon and command a variety of demons to serve their needs without falling fully into darkness themselves. This can also be seen in their ability to summon magical mounts to carry them. Shaman Mages
  • A familiar is the companion of a witch, who aids in the practice of Eastern witchcraft. In most cases, this is an animal of some kind, although there are exceptions to this. A familiar forms a close psionic bond with their witch, and is able to communicate with them. In some cases, a witch may acquire more than one familiar. (For example, the Warlock Lord Brimford (aka Lászlo) has two familiars.) In other cases, a witch's familiar will not be an animal at all. The Great Weapon Blackwand, for example, serves as Morrolan's familiar.
  • Familiar é o nome designado à demônios à serviço de bruxas. O famoso gato preto, a coruja, um sapo e etc., eram o que chamavam de thumb|Blade, o caçador de vampirosfamiliar, um pequeno demônio disfarçado que realizava todas as tarefas que a bruxa o impunha. Um bom trabalho era bem recompensado, inclusive, com algumas gotas do sangue da dona.
  • Para los yuuzhan vong, un familiar o mascota era alguien que era un ayudante confiable, un compañero cercano y, si era necesario, un tutor. Un familiar tenía significados y deberes adicionales, que eran desconocidos. Los familiares y sus amos estaban conectados entre sí hasta que uno de ellos moría.
  • A Familiar is a creature attached to a Hero or Hero class, commonly in the form of a movable token, that they can use to great benefit. A hero player may activate each familiar their hero controls, besides the hero itself, once during their hero turn (either before or after resolving all of his hero’s actions). Activating a familiar does not require an action, but it may not interrupt any other action.
  • A familiar is a special type of associate for the primary arcane spellcasters (sorcerers and wizards). It is a creature that is magically linked to its owner and able to assist in combat or scouting. If the creature dies, the caster loses 1d6 hit points, but the familiar will be available to summon again the next day. Familiars gain levels as their master gains sorcerer or wizard levels. Most familiars gain additional abilities every 5 levels, but there are a number of exceptions to this guideline. See the articles about the individual familiars for details.
  • 5
  • 24
  • high
  • 8
  • 10
  • Man's Best Friend with Benefits
  • Dark-Law
  • true
  • 13
  • 14
  • variable
  • hide
  • 8
  • *First Age *Second Age *Third Age
Powers and Abilities
  • Shapeshifting, telepathy
  • 8
  • 10
  • Evil
  • Familiars
  • 180
  • Protecting neophyte witches
  • Shadow
  • Demon Penguins/Mectrixctic's Army
  • *Sensing *Agility
  • Cheerful, meek, lustful
  • Alive
  • Human or animal
First Appearance
  • Intima
  • Intima
  • Familiar
  • Familiars
  • Familiar
  • ファミリア
  • 36
  • Some kind of demon penguin puffle
  • 50
  • Throughout Land of the Living
  • Light
  • familiares
  • Small
  • Enchanted Creatures
  • Familiar
  • Tied to the life of its master
  • Scratch
  • -
  • Bite
  • variable
  • Sneer
  • Damu
  • Many others
  • Normal
  • familiar
  • Magical companion and servant of a mage who has created it, tied to the mage's lifeforce
Last Appearance
  • 6
  • variable
  • Messanger
  • Witches
  • chaos
  • Familiar
  • 41
  • Mectrixctic
  • Witch's Demonic Energy, men's Spirit Energy
  • Male
  • Good
  • Shinoma
  • Puffle-Demon Penguin.. hybrid?
  • The underworld
  • Earth
  • The Underworld
  • Small
wikipage disambiguates
  • 3
  • 9
  • Neutral-Unfriendly
  • 3
  • 7
  • 1
  • Small Claws and Teeth
  • Anything that would kill a human
  • A Familiar is a supernatural being that serves a witch.
  • A familiar is the companion of a witch, who aids in the practice of Eastern witchcraft. In most cases, this is an animal of some kind, although there are exceptions to this. A familiar forms a close psionic bond with their witch, and is able to communicate with them. Witches draw energy from themselves (not, as a sorceror does, from an external source) to perform spells. A familiar is therefore vitally important for several functions including helping the witch focus, contributing energy to spells, protecting the witch from outside threats especially when he is vulnerable during and after spellcasting, and warning the witch when his energy is dangerously low. In some cases, a witch may acquire more than one familiar. (For example, the Warlock Lord Brimford (aka Lászlo) has two familiars.) In other cases, a witch's familiar will not be an animal at all. The Great Weapon Blackwand, for example, serves as Morrolan's familiar.
  • Familiars are enchanted creatures who follow and guide new witches to protect them while they learn the craft. After their work is done, they run away to their next charge. Familiars are naturally attuned to the seasons and phases of the moon and can be helpful in teaching the young witch a heightened awareness of his or her environment. As seen with Tuatha, even evil witches have familiars; guiding them down the path of evil. Certain familiars can become human as a reward for their faithful service so they can guide and train other familiars as well like Katrina.
  • [[Archivo:Huron_Blackheart_Corsarios_Rojos_Caos_Warhammer_40k_Wikihammer.jpg|thumb|300px|Hamadrya (a los pies de Huron) es un ejemplo de familiar]]Los Familiares son objetos o criaturas modificadas genéticamente o corrompidas por la disformidad, con la finalidad de aumentar las habilidades y el poder psíquico de su amo.
  • Familiar is a bat that lives in a group in a dark cave. It sucks blood from living things nearby using small but sharp teeth. A gray bat that's not very strong, but really annoying because it attacks very fast and relentlessly pursues passersby.
  • Przyzwane przez gracza stwory mają różne umiejetności i pomagają mu w walce. To jest zalążek zalążka artykułu. Jeśli potrafisz – rozbuduj go. Ten artykuł jest tak mały że nie może zostać uznany nawet za zalążek. Informacje w nim zawarte są praktycznie żadne. Artykuł powinien zostać rozbudowany jak najszybciej. Musi on zyskać przynajmniej status zwykłego zalążka, inaczej zostanie usunięty! Familiar
  • Familiars are Souls absorbed by Vampires.
  • A familiar is a piratey pet won in huge tourneys, like the Olympic Champions League or certain forum contests. They are only created when two OceanMasters agree to create one, and what results is a huge tournament or contest likely to have many entrants. In other words, it's very hard to get a familiar. There are currently only three animal types available: monkey, octopus, and parrot. Monkeys and octopi are monochromatic and parrots have two colors. The color will depend on the contest: some allow for the winner's color choice within the guidelines. Pure white familiars are reserved for OCL temporary familiars. Monkeys are only allowed in more "natural" colors. Black is not allowed for players' familiars. Familiars are rarely available for purchase and never directly from the Ringers. When a player decides to part with his or her hard-won familiar, the general asking price lies somewhere from 2,000,000 to 5,000,000 Pieces of Eight.
  • Familiar é o nome designado à demônios à serviço de bruxas. O famoso gato preto, a coruja, um sapo e etc., eram o que chamavam de thumb|Blade, o caçador de vampirosfamiliar, um pequeno demônio disfarçado que realizava todas as tarefas que a bruxa o impunha. Um bom trabalho era bem recompensado, inclusive, com algumas gotas do sangue da dona. Na série de filmes Blade, o termo familiar ou aspirantes é usado para identificar humanos que trabalham para os vampiros em troca da promessa de um dia se tornarem um deles (promessa que não necessariamente é cumprida). Possuem uma tatuagem que identifica a Tribo de seu proprietário ou ele mesmo. Se outro vampiro se alimentar do aspirante, terá de se entender com seu dono. Também são muito reconhecidos pelo nome “gado”, mesmo a contragosto.que ajudam os vampiros tentando obter favores deles, como por exemplo tornar-se um vampiro. Categoria:Vampiros Categoria:Bruxaria Categoria:Blade
  • Familiars are artificially-created creatures and constructs that slavishly follow and attend to their master. Familiars can be based on a wide number of living creatures, bio-constructs or pure automata. These are restricted to creatures smaller than an adult human (anything else would class as a Servitor), and by their nature cling to a single master unless instructed otherwise. Mostly, Familiars do not possess any significant degree of intelligence and are trained or programmed to perform certain tasks on command. Familiars are either living creatures controlled by the mind of their master via arcane psyber neuro-implants or are cybernetic creatures controlled by voice or coded Vox-signal command. Such slaved creatures are the strange fruit of ancient sciences and arcane superstitions, and the ownership and command of Familiars utilise many technologies that the Machine Cult considers sacred. A trailing throng of bonded Familiars is a sign of status both within the Adeptus Mechanicus and the Imperium at large. Most notably, Space Marine Librarians and psychically-gifted Inquisitors often make use of Familiars, which aid them in their command of the Warp and help focus their powers. Familiars can take many forms from tiny mechanical beasts and creatures sensitive to the Warp to indentured servants with which their master has crafted a bond. Familiars can be an incredibly powerful tool for Librarians. They are psychic-symbiotes, allowing the Librarian to mentally link with them, seeing through their eyes and controlling their actions. Familiars can communicate with their masters in most cases (whether this is part of their nature or by choice) and the bond between a Librarian and his familiar will never be fully understood by other Battle-Brothers. Despite their status as tools of the warp, familiars are generally tolerated by the Astartes (with the exception of Chapters like the Black Templars who have no patience for anything connected to the Immaterium). They are also mostly harmless and not perceived as a threat. In some cases, however, they can cause trouble, their curiosity making mischief for those around them. Familiars have a habit of "complicating" things, especially if their master is incapacitated or absent.
  • Familiar m. (feminine familiar, plural familiares) 1. * of family 2. * close, familiar 3. * daily, plain
  • Familiars are, essentially, pets. Each familiar assists you in battle in some way - for instance, the Mosquito pet sucks your enemies blood and uses it to restore your hit points.
  • Few notes to familiars on Arelith: * Characters don't gain any EXP while possessing familiars. * Characters' state is still altered while familiar is possessed. The mage may die from hunger or thirst. * Familiars don't have inventory. They can not carry items, including keys. They can not open door locked by a specific key or storage chests. * There is console command -familiar that allows player to speak through their familiar without possessing it.
  • A familiar is a special type of associate for the primary arcane spellcasters (sorcerers and wizards). It is a creature that is magically linked to its owner and able to assist in combat or scouting. If the creature dies, the caster loses 1d6 hit points, but the familiar will be available to summon again the next day. Familiars gain levels as their master gains sorcerer or wizard levels. Most familiars gain additional abilities every 5 levels, but there are a number of exceptions to this guideline. See the articles about the individual familiars for details. A familiar can be summoned once per day, but unlike a summon, familiars are not unsummoned upon resting. They are, on the other hand, unsummoned upon taking a new level (even if not in a class that has a familiar). Like animal companions, a familiar can be restored to full hit points by talking to it and choosing the option to feed it.
  • A familiar is a normal creature that has been summoned to service by a sorcerer or wizard, after which it becomes a magical beast and gains new powers. They are magically linked to their masters, in some sense, practically existing as one being. All familiars have special abilities along with granting special abilities to its master.
  • Familiars are creatures who are bound to a character and follow them for a certain reason or from a certain force; warlocks, shaman, and mages are known to have familiars following them. Warlocks Warlocks bend demonic forces to their will, able to summon and command a variety of demons to serve their needs without falling fully into darkness themselves. This can also be seen in their ability to summon magical mounts to carry them. Shaman Shaman are very spiritually oriented and can often see things and creatures in the spirit world unknown to most others. One prime example of familiar-type animals that assist the shaman is the spirit wolf; indeed, shaman can transform into them as well. Spirit wolves in most cases are used in battle to defend the shaman. Shaman can also summon forth creatures from the Elemental Planes. These are usually fire or earth elementals. Unlike warlocks and mages that bend creatures' wills to do their bidding, shaman are in tune with nature and treat their summoned creatures as allies. Mages Mages with the frost specialization summon [Water Elementals] from the Elemental Planes to serve them in battle. All mages can summon a non-combat familiar to follow them, if they so choose to train [that ability].
  • A familiar is a spiritual or supernatural being in the shape of an animal. This animal has symbolism or energy that can be important for one to know and use in their magickal workings, or even in their every day life. This concept is often confused with the Native American concept of totems and spirit animals.
  • A familiar is a small creature that is magically linked to its owner. Familiars are summoned creatures and can be summoned or unsummoned freely unless they are killed. They do not try to engage in combat, and usually just follow behind the master. While summoned, they grant a bonus that is roughly the equivalent of a feat. As the master advances, so do the familiars. They gain more hit points, better saving throws, and so on. They also gain evasion and spell resistance. During character creation, they can be named. They are intended to essentially be small buff totems and cool looking pets. Familiars can be directly controlled. If a familiar is killed, the master suffers -2 to Constitution for 8 hours and cannot summon the familiar again until he or she has rested. [1]
  • A Familiar is a shifter who works in coordination with a Magistar to help cast spells. The fact that a Familiar is always a shifter is a carefully guarded secret.
  • A hermetic familiar is a magical animal bound with a magus. This is a voluntary bond on the part of both the magus and the animal. Though the bond brings benefits and powers to both magus and familiar, it involves a much deeper connection. Except for possibly a spouse, a familiar by its nature becomes the closest companion a magus will ever have.
  • Para los yuuzhan vong, un familiar o mascota era alguien que era un ayudante confiable, un compañero cercano y, si era necesario, un tutor. Un familiar tenía significados y deberes adicionales, que eran desconocidos. Los familiares y sus amos estaban conectados entre sí hasta que uno de ellos moría. Vergere fue familiar de Falung y Elan. La relación de Vergere con las dos sacerdotisas era una como de mentora. Onimi era el familiar del Supremo Soberano Shimrra. Mientras Onimi usaba su posición para controlar a Shimrra, en público su relación era físicamente abusiva, y Onimi servía como bufón en vez de asistente.
  • A familiar (使い魔 tsukaima) in the Nanoha universe is a magical creature that is created by a mage, based on an animal form.
  • Through the use of Conjury, a Noble Dead is able to connect with an animal and see through their eyes and control their actions. Familiars can act as spies, slipping into places that their master cannot. An experienced Noble Dead can have more than one familiar. The vampire Chane had both a rat and a raven as a familiar at the same time. Chane teaches his master Toret how to create a familiar with a wolf.
  • According to the transcripts of witch trials, there are three different ways in which somebody could come into possession of a familiar. The familiar may be gifted to a young person by someone else, such as an older relative, a more powerful spirit or the Devil himself. The familiar may suddenly and unexpectedly appear to somebody who has never thought about practicing magic before while that person is going about his or her daily business in the house or garden. The familiar may appear to someone who has cried out for help in desperation, usually as a result of poverty, unemployment, illness or extreme sadness following the death of a relative. The familiar offers to teach the unfortunate person magic, saying that it will get the person out of his or her desperate situation. It has been suggested that the origins of the fairy tales Rumpelstiltskin, the Frog Prince and Puss in Boots have a connection with belief in familiars. In each of those stories a talking animal or other supernatural being approaches someone in a desperate situation. The unusual creatures offer to use their great skills to get the person out of trouble. Witches, wizards and warlocks are usually said to be able to summon their familiars whenever they please. However, Elizabeth Chandler of Huntingdon, England, accused of being a witch in 1646, said that she had no control over when her two familiars Beelzebub and Tulibub appeared and that she began to pray that they would leave her alone. Familiars are often imagined as having strange or demonic names but that is not always the case. Bessie Dunlop of Dalry, Ayrshire, Scotland, burned at the stake for being a witch in 1576, said that she had a familiar called Tom Reid. The German-born soldier Prince Rupert of the Rhine, who fought for King Charles I's Royalists against Oliver Cromwell's Parliamentarians during the 1642-1651 English Civil War, was said by his enemies to have a familiar in the form of his dog Boye, a white hunting poodle which accompanied the prince everywhere, including into battle. Prince Rupert's Royalist supporters made fun of their enemies' beliefs, publishing pamphlets which said that Boye was a woman from Lapland who had been changed into a dog, that Boye was completely invulnerable, could catch bullets in its mouth and predict the future. Boye was killed during the 1644 Battle of Maston Moor. It is rumored to have been shot with a silver bullet. The concept of familiars has been adopted by some Wiccans and other neopagans. They continue to feature in works of fiction concerning people with magical powers. Although companion owls, cats, rats and toads feature in J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter series, the word "familiar" is not used in any of the seven novels and there is no suggestion that they are spirits in disguise. However, familiars often feature in Harry Potter fan-fiction.
  • To the Yuuzhan Vong, a familiar or mascot was one who was a trusted aide, a close companion, and if need be, tutor. A familiar had additional meanings and duties which were unknown. Familiars and masters were connected to each other until one died. Vergere was a familiar to Falung and Elan. Vergere's relationship with the two priestesses was a form of mentorship. Onimi was also the familiar of Supreme Overlord Shimrra. While Onimi used the position to control Shimrra, in public, their relationship was physically abusive, and Onimi functioned as a jester rather than an aide.
  • A familiar is a magical companion and servant of a mage and is linked to its master's lifeforce intimately. It takes the form of its master's preferred animal which can be anything from a cat to a raven. A familiar communicates with people via telepathy and, as far as academic records on the subject show, is independent enough to think on its own terms and can even offer suggestions to its master but can't disobey orders or harm its master. Summoning and forming a bond with a familiar is a difficult process which requires patience and understanding, which is why many mages don't go through the effort of creating a familiar. Because of the magical bond between the familiar and its master, there are repercussions for one if the other one is hurt or dies. If the familiar dies, it affects the mage it is linked to deeply, sometimes even driving the mage into insanity. If the mage dies, however, the familiar suffers an even more severe psychic backlash and perishes soon after as it can't sustain itself without its master's mana. If the mage is tortured, the familiar will feel its master's pain, and likewise if the familiar is being hit with magic, its master will sense a great disturbance which clouds the mage's senses and may harm the mage's psyche.
  • A familiar is a creature that makes a contract with a as a servant. The familiar is usually summoned by a spell, after which a contract is made. Once contracted, runes are magically engraved on the familiar. However, during Brimir's time, the runes were engraved by hand. The familiars of most mages remain unknown.
  • A familiar is a magical creature which serves as a sort of servant to an accomplished wizard. The power of the Familiar seems to be in direct proportion to the power of the Wizard to whom it is a companion to. It is known that the Familiar can exist when the Wizard is unconscious, and is able to continue spells that the Wizard had cast. (For example: Fenrus able to keep Erasmus' house afloat in QfG5.) Notable familiars include: * Fenrus, familiar of Erasmus (or is that the other way around?) * Damiano, familiar of Zara * Archimedes, a familiar of Merlin.
  • An artificial race created by baphomet, who once possessed immense power rivaling that of the demon lord. They are employed as familiars by the witches of “Sabbath,” and aside from that, they're also entrusted with proselytizing for Sabbath and recruitment. On top of being proficient speakers, they look adorable and behave in a friendly manner, so those who listen to their words lower their guard and listen with rapt attention. They not only speak of “eternal youth” and “great magical power,” but also extol the “charm and depravity of little girls.” Even the monstrously obscene tenets of Sabbath are naturally imprinted in the mind. Men will awaken to the attraction to the body of a little girl, and women will develop a yearning to transform into a little monster girl. The truth isn't certain, but since the prey they set their eyes on is always dragged into Sabbath, rumor has it that the way they normally appear is feigned friendliness, and they're actually cunning monsters with a great skill in the art of manipulation. They're basically not as good as the witches at magic, but since they're magical organisms, they have a high affinity for magic, and their bodies are imbued with a portion of baphomet's immense power. They can cast the spell of lolification, and they can change human women who have awakened to the Sabbath cult into witches. Also, by using themselves as a catalyst, they can amplify the magic of the loli monsters that are acolytes of Sabbath. On top of dramatically raising the potency of the spell used, this ability will also draw out the charm they possess and raise it to the maximum limit. With the power of Sabbath contained within her, a little monster girl makes a charming transformation. Her atmosphere will be more innocent and defenseless, rousing a man's protective instincts, while at the same time giving off an allure that drives men even crazier than a mature woman. If they then tempt a man, the efficacy is so powerful we can pretty much call it a super move. Any man, no matter how straight-laced, will find himself reaching for the little girl's body, ultimately piercing her little vagina with his manhood. Furthermore, this power also applies to the “spirit energy” of male adherents and men. The more thick and syrupy spirit energy facilitates magic replenishment through sexual intercourse, and gives even more pleasure to the body of little girls who exceedingly love their big brother's spirit energy. While they do play the role of familiars for witches, they are also monsters themselves, and therefore, when they spot a man that strikes their fancy, they prioritize making him theirs above all else. As beings that physically embody the tenets of Sabbath, what they love more than anything is to have sex with a man and swallow a penis that's too big for a little girl's body. Their soft, child bodies were modeled after the perfect child body of baphomet, and when they swallow up a penis and squeeze tightly with their little vagina, they're able to convey the appeal of a little girl's body directly to a man's body, staining him in the tenets of Sabbath. In this way, unmarried men who were supposed to be brought to Sabbath often end up already becoming theirs, much to the dismay of witches without big brothers. As one can tell from this, while they are mistress and servant, the pecking order is a bit vague. There are those who have a relationship that's more like friends, instead of mistress and servant, and there are also those who share the same man between them.
  • Familiars have been described as the alter-ego, spirit companion, or animal that aids a witch. The definition of a familiar may vary from person to person. Some believe that the familar is a projection of the self, others that it is a separate entity, and still others that it is a physical animal.
  • Familiars (使い魔, Tsukaima?) are special assistants used by the magi. Since it's natural for a magus to separate himself from society, the use of familiars capable of performing small, simple errands is considered orthodox. Although a different entity, familiars are seen as an extension of the magus as there is both a mental and physical connection between the two. The symbol of the magus itself and fundamentally different from creatures like the Demons or Spirits who are summoned and then bound by a contract.
  • Familiar is a creature that has penguin and puffle parts. He got this from going into a Demon Cloning Machine on August 3, 2009.
  • A Familiar is a spirit that accompanies you as your friend and ally. It is not a real creature, and doesn't need to eat or breathe. A familiar is obtained with the Arcane Familiar feat, and you may select a different familiar by retraining said feat.
  • Familiars are a race of celestial beings who are usually in the service of more powerful beings, mostly Divinians and other god-like beings. They come in a variety of subraces, all of which are very distinct from one another. Despite being servitors, they maintain their own sense of hierarchy.
  • A Familiar is a creature attached to a Hero or Hero class, commonly in the form of a movable token, that they can use to great benefit. A hero player may activate each familiar their hero controls, besides the hero itself, once during their hero turn (either before or after resolving all of his hero’s actions). Activating a familiar does not require an action, but it may not interrupt any other action. When activated, a familiar may perform one move action. Familiars treat any special terrain (other than obstacles) as water during their movement. Dependng on their Familiar card, a familiar may perform additional types of actions during its activation. These additional actions, unless otherwise noted, may be performed in addition to the move action and may interrupt the move action in a way similar to hero move actions. If no such other actions are noted, then all the familiar can do on its turn is move up to its Speed value.Normally, a space containing a familiar does not block line of sight or movement, unless otherwise noted on its Familiar card. Any figure may end its movement in a space with a familiar. Likewise, a familiar may endits movement in a space containing a figure.
  • A familiar, or familiar spirit, is a supernatural entity that assist witches in their practice of magic and witchcraft. They serve a witch as a domestic companion, servant, and spy. On the HBO original series True Blood, Familiars can appear in numerous disguises, but are often animal-shaped, although human or humanoid figures may also exist. __TOC__
  • Familiars are supernatural beings that can be summoned to aid practitioners of magic and are most commonly associated with witches.
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