  • Division
  • Division
  • Division
  • Division
  • Division
  • Division
  • __NOEDITSECTION__ Main card page: "[[]]" [[File:|link=File:|px]] * [[Media:|ja color]] * [[Media:|en]] * [[Media:|fr]] * [[Media:|de]] * [[Media:|it]] * [[Media:|es]] * [[Media:|ja]] * [[Card Gallery : #|Gallery]] * [[Card Appearances : #|Appearances]] * [[Card Trivia : #|Trivia]] * [[Card Lores : #|Lores]] * [[Card Artworks : #|Artworks]] * [[Card Names : #|Names]] ==Other languages== ==Images== == Decks == ==Search categories==
  • A Division was an Old Earth naval term that described a grouping of either two or four ships. It was still in use by many Post Diaspora space navies. (HH3)
  • This page is about Division Governance. Please put your experiences here. For examples of active Division pages on teh web, try Division D-74 This page is a short or incomplete article known as a "stub". Please flesh it out a bit. When you feel it is a complete article, please remove the Category tag (the bit in square brackets saying Category: Stub) as well bits in curly brackets that say "stub". You can see these things if you click on "edit".
  • A Division was an important tactical level of military command and organization, widespread throughout the galaxy. However, the term was not a standard designation in the Grand Army of the Republic or the Imperial Army, where comparable formations were normally designated as Legions and Battlegroups.
  • Unter einer Division versteht man * den Vorgang des Teilens zweier oder mehrerer Zahlen durch Drücken der ÷-Taste auf dem Taschenrechner und * eine Gruppe von ausgebildeten Mördern, siehe auch Bundeswehr.
  • A division is a formation within organised army / armies or large military unit.
  • Division is the 43th chapter of Sora no Otoshimono manga.
  • Eine Division ist eine taktische Unterheinheit einer Heeresgruppe oder Armee. Die Division wird aus Brigaden, Regimentern und Bannern gebildet. Kommandeur scheint des öfteren ein Oberst zu sein.
  • Division is an arithmetic operation which is the inverse of multiplication. It could also be like repeated subtraction
  • Divisions are mechanics in Xenoblade Chronicles X. They are known as Unions in the Japanese version. There are eight different divisions within BLADE, each with their own objectives and support effects. Mission details can change based on Cross's choice of division, or the Division's membership of a party member. Cross is allowed to freely switch her/his affiliation, for a fee, while it is fixed for the other characters.
  • Accompaniment Antiphonal Bombarde Brustpositiv Brustwerk Chair Chancel Choeur Choir Echo Echowerk Fanfare Fernwerk Gallery Grand Choeur Grand Orgue Great Hauptwerk Orchestral Pedal Positif Positive Recit Recit Expressif Ruckpositiv Schwellwerk Solo Swell
  • A division "has approximately 10,000-18,000 soldiers spread among 5 brigade sized elements."
  • hdhicdijcM
  • Division is the sixth studio album by Japanese visual kei rock band The GazettE which was released on the 29th of August, 2012 in Japan by Sony Music Records. The album is the band's heaviest and most progressive release to date; while it continues to feature the experimental/nu metal style present in many of the band's releases, it also includes elements from a wider range of musical genres, ranging from noise rock, industrial, EBM, dubstep, pop, dark ambient, punk rock and metalcore, with less emphasis on the rap metal influences previously featured in previous releases, resulting in a denser, harsher sound akin to bands such as Dir en grey, Korn, Slipknot and Fear Factory.
  • Opération que seul un élève de dix ans est capable d'effectuer et de poser sans calculatrice parce qu'après "on a oublié aussi, walla". La division est une opération étonnante même si quelques détracteurs lui refusent le caractère d'opération. Dans tous les cas, en lisant cet article, évitez la division par... NAN !!!
  • The user can divide their own or others existence into certain number of entities which may be connected to the user and similar existences but possess a unique personalities and powers.
  • Уровень выделяется своими декорациями - геймплей сделан с помощью 1.4 блоков, но при этом содержит и элементы из 2.0-2.1, такие, как бэкграунд, свечение блоков, триггеры Move и Rotate, а также Shake. Благодаря такому интересному решению уровень довольно быстро попал во Featured.
  • 師団とはUNSC軍事組織の中では極めて大きな地上軍単位である。
  • La division est con9ue pour pouvoir diviser quelque chose Catégorie:524diviser par4 Catégorie:12:5
  • Division is not what you do when you try to find out what 8/3 is (2.6repeatingdecimal, if you're wondering), but rather it is instead a subsection of a department. A division might either be a section of the department that deals with one particular fandom (like for instance, the Department of Mary Sues and its famous Lord of the Rings/Tolkien Division), or it might specialize even further within a department, not sticking to one fandom but a type of badfic, but due to a smaller amount of badfic might not warrant a department itself (example being the Division of Multiple Offenses).
  • En division är en stor militär enhet. 82nd Airborne Division är en armédivision i USA:s armé, som utbildar för luftlandsättning. Henry Landry tränade i divisionen. (SG1: "Stargate SG-1: The DVD Collection 58")
  • [[Fichier:Holy Lululamy.jpg|Le seul agent connu de la Division, Holly Lululamy.|thumb]]La Division est une organisation de l'univers de Donald Duck ennemie de l'Agence. Elle récupère des informations pour les vendre au plus offrant.
  • Division Command, known simply as Division, was a branch of the Counter Terrorist Unit which oversaw the operation and, if necessary, command of domestic units in a designated area. Division could order a lockdown and review the cases of domestic unit agents who have been relieved of duty. The authority figure in CTU stations was the Regional Division Director. Division reported to District Command.
  • A Division is a large UNSC Military Organization of UNSC soldiers.
  • Chercher "division" sur dicod'Òc (dictionnaires en ligne sur le site du Congrès permanent de la lenga occitana)
  • In a regular organizing board, there are seven main divisions, each of which is divided into three departments. This page is a stub, roughly equivalent to a glossary entry. Please help our Scienowiki community by [ expanding it.]
  • In the Federation Starfleet, there were three distinct divisions, each of which was a grouping of officers and crewmen sharing similar skillsets and occupations. Starfleet officers wore uniforms or insignia of varying colors that identified them as belonging to one division or another. (Star Trek: The Original Series; Star Trek: The Next Generation; Star Trek films; DS9: "The Way of the Warrior", "Trials and Tribble-ations") Within each division were departments. Between at least the mid-22nd and the late 24th century, the composition of each division changed.
  • Some monsters are capable of dividing into two new monsters of the same type. The type of division depends on the type of monster involved. Gremlins, brown molds, and blue jellies can divide into two with half the HP and maximum HP of the original - the former from any source of water and the latter two from inflicting damage with their passive cold attacks. Long worms can have part of their tail cut off, sometimes resulting in the old tail becoming a new worm; the maximum HPs of the two resulting worms depends on their length.
  • Eine Division ist ein militärischer Großverband. Dies kann sich sowohl auf Raumschiffe, als auch auf Soldaten beziehen. In der Schlacht um Septimus III greifen die Klingonen mit 15 Divisionen an. Der Elfte Orden ist dieser Übermacht unterlegen, die Klingonen nehmen Septimus III ein. (DS9: ) Eine Division der Jem'Hadar ist die 23. Jem'Hadar-Division. (DS9: )
  • A division was a large military unit, usually bigger than a brigade. In a holoprogram set in 1944 France, a German Panzer division was holding position eleven kilometers outside of Sainte Claire. Later on, another German division was stationed near the village. (VOY: "The Killing Game") In 1944 of an alternate World War II, three American divisions crossed the Ohio River and two advanced from the south towards Washington, DC in a massive American attack against German-occupied parts of the USA. (ENT: "Storm Front, Part II")
  • A useful site is Flags and their meanings Books are sorted into those with classmarks and those without classmarks. * Insert the correct colour flag for the year and write down the LK number at the top of the flag, e.g. If the number is LK08000116 choose a light blue flag and write 08/116 in pencil at the top. * Open up the bibliographic record by typing in the ISBN or M number in the correct box. If you have neither of these numbers go to Aquisitions > Orders and type in the order number and press 'Continue', then click on 'Move to Cataloguing' at the bottom of the screen. * Write the Bib ID. no. on the inside cover of the book above the order number. * Look for the 082 line which contains the class number. Check that the class number is Dewey 22 by looking at the $2 tag.
  • 2
  • 6
  • КБ, КР, Р, КР, В, КБ, Н, Р, П
Romaji Name
  • Dīvujan
appears in gx
  • 58
ja lore
  • このカードは★1の機械トークン2体に分裂する
  • yes
  • Blackhole12
  • 225
Row 1 info
  • Divide one's existence into multiple entities
image ca
  • Division-JP-Manga-GX-CA.png
id уровня
  • 33842108
  • This card splits into two LV1 Machine tokens.
  • Division.PNG
ja image
  • Division-JP-Manga-GX.jpg
название саундтрека
  • Nuetronium
  • yes
Row 1 title
  • Power/Ability to:
id саундтрека
  • 659165
  • 200
  • Гравитация, скорость, телепортация
effect types
  • Ignition
  • Special Summons Tokens
image nc
  • Division-JP-Manga-GX-NC.png
  • Axel Brodie
Box Title
  • Division
  • Metalcore, industrial metal, noise rock, dark ambient, experimental metal
  • SRCL-8054~8056 SRCL-8057
  • Oct 12, 2010
  • Division
  • Full-length studio album
  • The Juubi being the prime Tailed Beast, was divided creating the nine Tailed Beasts.
  • 48
  • yes
  • 43
  • 400
  • 11
  • 200
  • #353839
  • CD + DVD
  • Sony Music Records Japan JPU Records
  • the GazettE
  • --08-29
Ja Name
  • ディーヴジャン
  • Tributes itself for cost
  • Hiyori Arc
wikipage disambiguates
  • __NOEDITSECTION__ Main card page: "[[]]" [[File:|link=File:|px]] * [[Media:|ja color]] * [[Media:|en]] * [[Media:|fr]] * [[Media:|de]] * [[Media:|it]] * [[Media:|es]] * [[Media:|ja]] * [[Card Gallery : #|Gallery]] * [[Card Appearances : #|Appearances]] * [[Card Trivia : #|Trivia]] * [[Card Lores : #|Lores]] * [[Card Artworks : #|Artworks]] * [[Card Names : #|Names]] ==Other languages== ==Images== == Decks == ==Search categories==
  • A Division was an Old Earth naval term that described a grouping of either two or four ships. It was still in use by many Post Diaspora space navies. (HH3)
  • Eine Division ist ein militärischer Großverband. Dies kann sich sowohl auf Raumschiffe, als auch auf Soldaten beziehen. In der Schlacht um Septimus III greifen die Klingonen mit 15 Divisionen an. Der Elfte Orden ist dieser Übermacht unterlegen, die Klingonen nehmen Septimus III ein. (DS9: ) Eine Division der Jem'Hadar ist die 23. Jem'Hadar-Division. (DS9: ) 2376 geht in einer Holodeck-Simulation des zweiten Weltkriegs an Bord der USS Voyager eine deutsche Panzerdivision 11 Kilometer von Sainte Claire entfernt in Stellung. Mademoiselle de Neuf möchte daher panzerbrechende Waffen erwerben, was Katrine jedoch ablehnt. (VOY: )
  • This page is about Division Governance. Please put your experiences here. For examples of active Division pages on teh web, try Division D-74 This page is a short or incomplete article known as a "stub". Please flesh it out a bit. When you feel it is a complete article, please remove the Category tag (the bit in square brackets saying Category: Stub) as well bits in curly brackets that say "stub". You can see these things if you click on "edit".
  • A Division was an important tactical level of military command and organization, widespread throughout the galaxy. However, the term was not a standard designation in the Grand Army of the Republic or the Imperial Army, where comparable formations were normally designated as Legions and Battlegroups.
  • Unter einer Division versteht man * den Vorgang des Teilens zweier oder mehrerer Zahlen durch Drücken der ÷-Taste auf dem Taschenrechner und * eine Gruppe von ausgebildeten Mördern, siehe auch Bundeswehr.
  • A division is a formation within organised army / armies or large military unit.
  • In the Federation Starfleet, there were three distinct divisions, each of which was a grouping of officers and crewmen sharing similar skillsets and occupations. Starfleet officers wore uniforms or insignia of varying colors that identified them as belonging to one division or another. (Star Trek: The Original Series; Star Trek: The Next Generation; Star Trek films; DS9: "The Way of the Warrior", "Trials and Tribble-ations") * Command division * Operations division Until 2270, this was known as Engineering and Support Services division. (Star Fleet Technical Manual) * Sciences division Within each division were departments. Between at least the mid-22nd and the late 24th century, the composition of each division changed. In the 21st-century U.S. Navy, the terms were the reverse, with department being the larger unit, and division the sub-unit of the former. In the Lyran Starfleet, the concept of division as a grouping of officers and crewmen sharing similar skillsets and occupations also existed, only that there were six divisions rather than three. (Star Trek: The Stoneship Files, Star Trek: False Vacuum) * Command division * Engineering division * Medical division * Operations division * Sciences division * Security division
  • Division is the 43th chapter of Sora no Otoshimono manga.
  • Eine Division ist eine taktische Unterheinheit einer Heeresgruppe oder Armee. Die Division wird aus Brigaden, Regimentern und Bannern gebildet. Kommandeur scheint des öfteren ein Oberst zu sein.
  • Division is an arithmetic operation which is the inverse of multiplication. It could also be like repeated subtraction
  • Divisions are mechanics in Xenoblade Chronicles X. They are known as Unions in the Japanese version. There are eight different divisions within BLADE, each with their own objectives and support effects. Mission details can change based on Cross's choice of division, or the Division's membership of a party member. Cross is allowed to freely switch her/his affiliation, for a fee, while it is fixed for the other characters.
  • A division was a large military unit, usually bigger than a brigade. In a holoprogram set in 1944 France, a German Panzer division was holding position eleven kilometers outside of Sainte Claire. Later on, another German division was stationed near the village. (VOY: "The Killing Game") In 1944 of an alternate World War II, three American divisions crossed the Ohio River and two advanced from the south towards Washington, DC in a massive American attack against German-occupied parts of the USA. (ENT: "Storm Front, Part II") In 2375, fifteen Klingon divisions landed on Septimus III and eliminated the Cardassian Eleventh Order, taking the planet. (DS9: "Strange Bedfellows")
  • Accompaniment Antiphonal Bombarde Brustpositiv Brustwerk Chair Chancel Choeur Choir Echo Echowerk Fanfare Fernwerk Gallery Grand Choeur Grand Orgue Great Hauptwerk Orchestral Pedal Positif Positive Recit Recit Expressif Ruckpositiv Schwellwerk Solo Swell
  • A division "has approximately 10,000-18,000 soldiers spread among 5 brigade sized elements."
  • hdhicdijcM
  • Division is the sixth studio album by Japanese visual kei rock band The GazettE which was released on the 29th of August, 2012 in Japan by Sony Music Records. The album is the band's heaviest and most progressive release to date; while it continues to feature the experimental/nu metal style present in many of the band's releases, it also includes elements from a wider range of musical genres, ranging from noise rock, industrial, EBM, dubstep, pop, dark ambient, punk rock and metalcore, with less emphasis on the rap metal influences previously featured in previous releases, resulting in a denser, harsher sound akin to bands such as Dir en grey, Korn, Slipknot and Fear Factory.
  • Opération que seul un élève de dix ans est capable d'effectuer et de poser sans calculatrice parce qu'après "on a oublié aussi, walla". La division est une opération étonnante même si quelques détracteurs lui refusent le caractère d'opération. Dans tous les cas, en lisant cet article, évitez la division par... NAN !!!
  • The user can divide their own or others existence into certain number of entities which may be connected to the user and similar existences but possess a unique personalities and powers.
  • Уровень выделяется своими декорациями - геймплей сделан с помощью 1.4 блоков, но при этом содержит и элементы из 2.0-2.1, такие, как бэкграунд, свечение блоков, триггеры Move и Rotate, а также Shake. Благодаря такому интересному решению уровень довольно быстро попал во Featured.
  • 師団とはUNSC軍事組織の中では極めて大きな地上軍単位である。
  • La division est con9ue pour pouvoir diviser quelque chose Catégorie:524diviser par4 Catégorie:12:5
  • Division is not what you do when you try to find out what 8/3 is (2.6repeatingdecimal, if you're wondering), but rather it is instead a subsection of a department. A division might either be a section of the department that deals with one particular fandom (like for instance, the Department of Mary Sues and its famous Lord of the Rings/Tolkien Division), or it might specialize even further within a department, not sticking to one fandom but a type of badfic, but due to a smaller amount of badfic might not warrant a department itself (example being the Division of Multiple Offenses).
  • A useful site is Flags and their meanings Books are sorted into those with classmarks and those without classmarks. * Insert the correct colour flag for the year and write down the LK number at the top of the flag, e.g. If the number is LK08000116 choose a light blue flag and write 08/116 in pencil at the top. * Open up the bibliographic record by typing in the ISBN or M number in the correct box. If you have neither of these numbers go to Aquisitions > Orders and type in the order number and press 'Continue', then click on 'Move to Cataloguing' at the bottom of the screen. * Write the Bib ID. no. on the inside cover of the book above the order number. * Look for the 082 line which contains the class number. Check that the class number is Dewey 22 by looking at the $2 tag. * If a Dewey 22 class number is present write C on the flag underneath the order number. * If a class number is not present or is not Dewey 22 write NC on the flag underneath the order number. * Check to see if the book is an additional copy. If it is, see below. * You should now have two piles of books. Those with classmarks and those without. Place on trolley for co-op student to file into the backlog.
  • Some monsters are capable of dividing into two new monsters of the same type. The type of division depends on the type of monster involved. Gremlins, brown molds, and blue jellies can divide into two with half the HP and maximum HP of the original - the former from any source of water and the latter two from inflicting damage with their passive cold attacks. Brown and black puddings will divide into two with half the current HP but the same maximum HP as the original monster when hit with any iron item. As the maximum HP does not decrease, it is possible to split these monsters indefinitely if they are healed after splitting, giving rise to the practice of pudding farming. Long worms can have part of their tail cut off, sometimes resulting in the old tail becoming a new worm; the maximum HPs of the two resulting worms depends on their length. The Wizard of Yendor can cast Double Trouble, creating an identical copy of himself.
  • En division är en stor militär enhet. 82nd Airborne Division är en armédivision i USA:s armé, som utbildar för luftlandsättning. Henry Landry tränade i divisionen. (SG1: "Stargate SG-1: The DVD Collection 58")
  • [[Fichier:Holy Lululamy.jpg|Le seul agent connu de la Division, Holly Lululamy.|thumb]]La Division est une organisation de l'univers de Donald Duck ennemie de l'Agence. Elle récupère des informations pour les vendre au plus offrant.
  • Division Command, known simply as Division, was a branch of the Counter Terrorist Unit which oversaw the operation and, if necessary, command of domestic units in a designated area. Division could order a lockdown and review the cases of domestic unit agents who have been relieved of duty. The authority figure in CTU stations was the Regional Division Director. Division reported to District Command.
  • A Division is a large UNSC Military Organization of UNSC soldiers.
  • Chercher "division" sur dicod'Òc (dictionnaires en ligne sur le site du Congrès permanent de la lenga occitana)
  • In a regular organizing board, there are seven main divisions, each of which is divided into three departments. This page is a stub, roughly equivalent to a glossary entry. Please help our Scienowiki community by [ expanding it.]
is Institutionen of
is Sonstiges of
is Previous of
is Affiliation of
is Profession of
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