  • Fusion Dance
  • A "Fusion Dance" is a synchronized dance performed by two or more Gems in order to fuse into a Fusion Gem. Generally, the dance is composed of the dance styles of the Gems that are going to fuse. Each dance is accompanied by a unique musical theme, usually exhibiting the motifs from the respective themes of the Gems. Fusion dances are only required by Gems of differing gemstones; Gems of the same type of gemstone can fuse at will.
  • To correctly perform the Fusion Dance, the fusees must create a perfectly symmetrical image of one another. The Fusion Dance is a short series of poses that are performed by two characters of equal power levels, roughly equal size and same race. In the series, the result of a correctly performed Fusion Dance is a superior being whose power is multiplied severalfold over that of the individual fusees. If one character performs the dance wrong, then it will result in an obese character who is much weaker than either fusee individually. If the timing of the poses is off, it results in a sickly looking fusion who is also much weaker than each fusee individually. Regardless, the fused character possess mixed physical traits of their original counterparts. If they synchronize their dance correct
  • To correctly perform the Fusion Dance, the fusees must create a perfectly symmetrical image of one another. The Fusion Dance is a short series of poses that are performed by two characters of equal power levels, roughly equal size and same race. In the series, the result of a correctly performed Fusion Dance is a superior being whose power is multiplied severalfold over that of the individual fusees. If one character performs the dance wrong, then it will result in an obese character who is much weaker than either fusee individually. If the timing of the poses is off, it results in a sickly looking fusion who is also much weaker than each fusee individually. Regardless, the fused character possess mixed physical traits of their original counterparts. If they synchronize their dance correctly, it results with a very powerful being. Additionally, all end products of the Fusion Dance seem to acquire the same attire: white pants, a sash, and a vest with yellow or orange padding around the shoulders and neck. Only one character in the original series has been seen as a result of the Fusion Dance; his name was Gotenks, being a fusion of the characters Goten and Trunks. Even though there was only one in the original series, one other fused character appeared in a movie and in Dragon Ball GT. In the movie Dragon Ball Z: Fusion Reborn, Gogeta is born from Goku and Vegeta, however he was first given the name Veku upon being incorrectly fused. The second time, he was correctly made and given the name Gogeta. Gogeta appears as a Super Saiyan 4 in Dragon Ball GT, and is the most powerful character in the Dragon Ball universe. The total fusion time lasts about 30 minutes, depending on the amount of ki that is used. After that, it takes the character's bodies another hour before they are able to fuse again.
  • A "Fusion Dance" is a synchronized dance performed by two or more Gems in order to fuse into a Fusion Gem. Generally, the dance is composed of the dance styles of the Gems that are going to fuse. Each dance is accompanied by a unique musical theme, usually exhibiting the motifs from the respective themes of the Gems. Fusion dances are only required by Gems of differing gemstones; Gems of the same type of gemstone can fuse at will.