  • Worst president
  • Worst President Ever This was widely considered to have been President George W. Bush though there have been other very bad Presidents. Some of the reasons Bush is considered the worst president ever: 1. Dubya was never legally elected. 2. Dubya has trampled on the Constitution. 3. Dubya is incompetent and said stupid things. 4. Dubya has the lowest IQ of any president yet. It was thought at one time that Franklin Pierce's IQ might have been lower, due to excessive Alcohol, but this hasn't been proved. 6. Dubya doesn't care about black people. (Source: Kanye West)
  • Worst President Ever This was widely considered to have been President George W. Bush though there have been other very bad Presidents. Some of the reasons Bush is considered the worst president ever: 1. Dubya was never legally elected. 2. Dubya has trampled on the Constitution. 3. Dubya is incompetent and said stupid things. 4. Dubya has the lowest IQ of any president yet. It was thought at one time that Franklin Pierce's IQ might have been lower, due to excessive Alcohol, but this hasn't been proved. 5. Dubya was thought to be deficient because he alone of all former presidents has never written a book or even an article. Later people realized that he has never even read a book or an article. (My Pet Goat was mostly pictures and it was never proved he actually "read" any of it.) 6. Dubya doesn't care about black people. (Source: Kanye West) 7. Dubya believes that there are multiple Internets in existence, or he could be referring to each individual Computer as its own internet, which could be an even more ignorant belief than the previous. .Dubya made us fight in Iraq in the hopes of liberating Iraq of it's Oil!