  • Help him communicate with the young person
  • From: [[]] There's a matinée today, so finding a child to talk to is easy. Encourage Lyme to entertain her, perhaps by showing her a toy. [Find the rest of the story at ]
Success title
  • 'I like Mr Lyme. He's friendly.'
Failure title
  • 'Mummy, help me. He smells strange.'
Failure description
  • You instruct Lyme to smile at the child as best he can, but the mangled grimace he produces sends her screaming back to her - by now irate - mother.
From Card/Storylet title
  • Introduce Lyme to a child
Success description
  • Under your supervision, Lyme does very well. He neither scares the child nor breaks the toy. In fact, the little girl seems to find him quite charming.
  • 8
  • 5
  • There's a matinée today, so finding a child to talk to is easy. Encourage Lyme to entertain her, perhaps by showing her a toy.
  • From: [[]] There's a matinée today, so finding a child to talk to is easy. Encourage Lyme to entertain her, perhaps by showing her a toy. [Find the rest of the story at ]