  • Microsoft Office source code
  • The predominant coding technique behind MSO source code is called "spaghetti coding". It is a technique where the creation of a computer program is driven by Jolt Cola (mixed with a bit of vodka) and potato chips. Where others would write an algorithm followed by coding pieces of the program, spaghetti coders would write a "bunch of code", compile it, curse at themselves that it didn't work the first time, then write a bunch more code thinking that the mistakes in what was added later would cancel out the mistakes of what was added earlier.
  • The predominant coding technique behind MSO source code is called "spaghetti coding". It is a technique where the creation of a computer program is driven by Jolt Cola (mixed with a bit of vodka) and potato chips. Where others would write an algorithm followed by coding pieces of the program, spaghetti coders would write a "bunch of code", compile it, curse at themselves that it didn't work the first time, then write a bunch more code thinking that the mistakes in what was added later would cancel out the mistakes of what was added earlier. There are no functions or subroutines in spaghetti code, in fact, there is a total absence of any modularity whatsoever. You just keep adding lines of code until the program is finished. The last line of the code should always be a LONGJMP statement to redirect to the first line of the program. Sometimes this was mistaken for the first line of the operating system, which would cause the system to reboot. After a million lines of spaghetti code, no one knows where those errors are anymore.