  • Ailian
  • A high-ranked officer of Halteese and one of the few survivors of Maletta's assault on the Halteese capital of Epistema. She tried her best to fend off the Malettan forces until the Cadet saved her. In gratitude for his/her help, she decided to join his/her troops in its battle against Maletta and Dalkia. A year later she aided the Cadet in his/her rebellion against Strife and helped to take down Aeolos and free her former comrades. Chronicle 17
  • A high-ranked officer of Halteese and one of the few survivors of Maletta's assault on the Halteese capital of Epistema. She tried her best to fend off the Malettan forces until the Cadet saved her. In gratitude for his/her help, she decided to join his/her troops in its battle against Maletta and Dalkia. A year later she aided the Cadet in his/her rebellion against Strife and helped to take down Aeolos and free her former comrades. Chronicle 17