  • 24000
  • Today, almost all currencies of the world are decimal currencies, which require up to three digits after the decimal separator. There are only two currencies, for which the subunit is the fifth part of the main unit. The smallest British coin was the farthing, which is the 960th part of the pound sterling. And Indian currency had a subunit, which is the 192th part of the main unit. Furthermore, the Turkish lira was divided into 4000 para. Since lcm(1000, 5, 960, 192, 4000) = 24000, we conclude that all currency denominations of the world can be written in the form n/24000, where n is a positive integer.
  • Today, almost all currencies of the world are decimal currencies, which require up to three digits after the decimal separator. There are only two currencies, for which the subunit is the fifth part of the main unit. The smallest British coin was the farthing, which is the 960th part of the pound sterling. And Indian currency had a subunit, which is the 192th part of the main unit. Furthermore, the Turkish lira was divided into 4000 para. Since lcm(1000, 5, 960, 192, 4000) = 24000, we conclude that all currency denominations of the world can be written in the form n/24000, where n is a positive integer.