  • Aggro
  • Aggro
  • Aggro
  • Aggro
  • Aggro
  • Aggro
  • An aggressive NPC's aggro range can be seen by selecting the NPC and checking the radar map. A yellow circle appears around the NPC. The aggro range is never shown to the player by a value and must be determined by the in-game distance meter.
  • Aggroes, or aggressive monsters, are monsters that will initiate combat with you if you walk or run too close to them. In other words, they will aggress you. Aggro monsters have an Aggro range.
  • Aggro ist, wenn ein Monster dir gegenüber aggressiv wird. "Ack! Der Slack Tentacle Mutant Aggro'd mich!"
  • Aggro, or aggression, is how the infected in an area behave in response to a survivor. Aggro is one of the most commonly heard terms in Dead Frontier. It refers to the amount of attention the zombies in the Inner City give you. As aggro increases, so does the number and speed of zombies.
  • "Aggro" is a song by The Enemy. It is off of the album We'll Live and Die in These Towns (2007).
  • Aggro (AKA hate) is a gaming term used to describe how much a hostile Non-Player Character (NPC) wants to attack a certain Player Character (PC). It becomes more important as one reaches the upper echelons of difficulty, when it becomes nearly suicidal to do a stage without some degree of aggro control.
  • Aggro ist die Bedrohung, die von einem Spieler erzeugt wird, sobald er Angriffe oder Zauber ausführt oder sich einem Gegner nähert. Dies ist im PvE wichtig, da die Gegner immer den Spieler mit der höchsten Aggro angreifen. Daher sollte der Tank immer die höchste Aggro haben. Zur Kontrolle sollte man sich einen Aggrometer in einem Addon herunterladen z.B. im Add-on pbinfo Kategorie:Begriffsklärung Kategorie:Abkürzungen
  • Aggro is a character from the Australian television program Wombat.
  • Aggro is a term used in MMORPGs and other online games to refer to monsters which attack player characters without any type of provocation. Monsters which do not attack this way are usually called "Docile". Docile creatures will only attack the player after an offensive action has been performed against them. Aggro can refer to the action of a monster attacking a player or it can refer to the monster itself. Synonyms for aggro include "Aggressive" and "Enmity", although the latter is also used in many other cases and the terms are not always interchangeable.
  • agressief betekent dat de monsters je automatisch aanvallen als je dicht in de buurt van ze loopt
  • Aggro (no real name known) is a student in Poe Cottage. He seems to be a utility prop when the author wants someone to be aggravating. He is known to be unhealthily thin for his height.
  • Aggro, de l'anglais aggressive (agressif), désigne le fait qu'un ou plusieurs monstres attaquent un joueur en particulier, sans vouloir le lâcher. Prendre l'aggro désigne le fait d'attirer, volontairement ou non, l'agressivité d'un ou plusieurs monstres par un joueur. Un monstre aggro est un monstre agressif qui attaquera tout joueur passant à sa portée (voir Aggro Range)
  • Aggro, when used as a verb, refers to a hostile mob which has noticed a player and is actively trying to attack that player. As a noun, it refers to the amount of “hostility” the player has generated on the mob. In typical combat strategy, the fighter tries to take as much aggro as possible away from weaker players such as healers and mages. See also Hate.
  • Aggro is a t-shirt being sold in the Penny Arcade Store for $17.99.
  • Certain characters such as Reyn, Dunban and Fiora are used to gain aggro so that other characters can find a better position. The three mentioned character will either have high defence and HP (Reyn) to attract enemy attacks, or high agility (Dunban and Fiora) to dodge the attacks.
  • To Aggro means to aggravate a monster. In gaming, it's typically used to indicate that a monster is attacking you.
  • Das Wort Aggro wird bei Fiesta Online umgangsprachlich für aggresiv verwendet. Jedes Monster besitzt ein bestimmtes Aggro-Level. Befindest du dich mit deinem Charackter im Bereich des Aggro-Levels eines Monsters, so wird es dich unverzüglich angreifen. Die Levelabgrenzung liegt in der Regel bei 11 Leveln. Bsp.: Ein Spieler auf Level 23 wird von einem Aggro-Monster auf Level 12 nicht mehr angegriffen. Die Aggro kann ein Spieler auch auf sich lenken, wenn er z.B. keine Aggro mehr auf den Mob hat. Dies macht er, indem er viel Schaden macht oder dafür einen bestimmten Skill ausführt, wie zum Beispiel der Krieger. Monster mit Aggro reagieren nur bis zu einem bestimmten Level. Danach greifen sie nicht mehr an, wenn man an ihnen vorbeigeht, allerdings immer noch, wenn man sie angreift. Außerdem k
  • Aggro is a slang term meaning "to cause hostile NPC mobs to attack by attacking or getting too close to them." Short for "aggravate". The compass displays a white translucent circle, the Danger Zone (also called "aggro bubble" or "aggro circle"), that surrounds your character. Generally, any enemy (indicated by red dots) that enters your Danger Zone immediately becomes aware of your presence and is aggravated, causing it to attack you/cast spells on you as its AI dictates. Exceptions to this behavior are very low level enemies in starter areas such as Pre-Searing, Istan and Shing Jea Island.
  • Aggro is a jargon word in WoW, probably originally derived from the English word "aggravation", and used since at least the 1960s in British slang. In MMORPGs, such as WoW, aggro denotes the aggressive interests of a monster/npc. Some examples are "We've got aggro!" and "Go aggro that monster". Holding aggro is done by (usually) one person (the tank) who uses his abilities to make the enemy attack him and no one else. For hunters and warlocks, the pet usually operates as a tank in solo play.
  • Aggro is a term used by game players to describe of monsters' choice of targets- an aspect of the Artificial Intelligence, or AI. It is only relevant to fighting in a squad or for pet users (Venomancer and Mystic). The two basic rules of aggro for squad roles are: Assassin and Archer Light Armor users should, of course, take the middle ground -gain aggro if Arcane armor wearers are being attacked, but strive to not steal aggro from Heavy Armor users.
  • Aggro is a trait inherit to many ARPGs, it is also known as "hate", or "threat". It is an invisible series of values which determines how threatening a monster values each player. The value starts at 0 and builds as players fill certain criteria. The player with the highest non-zero threat value will be the person "with aggro", the one the monster will choose to attack. Dealing damage to any monster or standing in close proximity with a monster that is naturally aggro will generate threat, causing a monster to target the player instead of standing idle. Note that monsters can still have aggro once you have left the immediate area, and will remember their threat values when you return. All skills that target or include a monster in their effect will generate aggro, regardless of whether the
  • The term Aggro, short for Aggression, has come to describe any Deck that has been constructed with fast-paced, aggressive tactics. Usually, an Aggro deck is a modified Beatdown Deck fitted with elements from other decks such as a Control Deck in order to better control the duel and continue to damage the opponent during the instances where their monster attacks are temporarily blocked.
  • Aggro (aka hate) determines whether a mob will attack you. In RF a monster can attack one player at a time, and when you "pull aggro" on the mob, it attacks you. A red "bull" symbol shows above the mob's head when you pull aggro. You can get aggro by doing any of the following: * Doing the first hit on a mob * Doing a lot of damage (dps) to the mob * Debuffing the mob * Healing another player that is attacking the mob * Purging another player that is attacking a mob * Running supporter buff for someone who is attacking the mob
  • Aggro is a shortening of "Aggressive (behavior)." This term refers to the behavior of an enemy approaching and attacking, as opposed to you attacking first. Only enemies high enough in level, relative to your main job level, can be aggressive towards you (with the exception of and some Notorious Monsters). Checking (/check) the monster can give you an idea of its level in relation to yours. Monsters that check as "Too Weak" will generally not be aggressive, along with some monsters in the "Easy Prey" range. However, Notorious Monsters will always check as "Impossible to Gauge", regardless of whether they are high enough in level to be aggressive towards you or not.
  • Le terme "Aggro" (agressivité) est utilisé de manière générale pour désigner la propension d'un monstre à vous attaquer. Exemples: * Attention, ces mobs aggro signifie: tu vas te faire attaquer si tu approches. * Avoir l'aggro (d'un monstre) se dit du joueur qui se fait attaquer par le monstre * Prendre l'aggro : (en groupe) s'arranger pour se faire attaquer par un monstre en préférence aux autres membres de son groupe.
  • Met aggro is bedoeld dat een bepaalde mob een bepaalde karakter/speler aanvalt, waarbij threat een grote rol speelt, omdat iedere speler die een mob aanvalt threat genereert. Degene met de meeste threat krijgt meestal de aggro. De regels van aggro zijn hieronder uitgelegd. Sommige mobs hebben bepaalde attacks die andere zoals een speler die aggro heeft hoeft niet per se de gene te zijn met het meeste threat. Aggro-regeling is een van de belangrijkste aspecten in een party of raid, want het bepaalt hoeveel damage jij en de party krijgen en bij wie de damage terecht komt. Aggro houden is meestal gedaan door een persoon/klasse/karakter die de vijand aanvalt en bepaalde vaardigheden gebruikt om het ook te houden. Aggro-controle is een kunst en wordt gedaan door alle groepsgenoten zodat een vij
  • Aggro is an English slang word, probably originally derived from the words "aggravation" or "aggression", and used since at least the 1960s. In MMORPGs, such as WoW, aggro denotes the aggressive interests of a monster/NPC. Some examples are "We've got aggro!" and "Go aggro that monster". Holding aggro is done by (usually) one person (the tank) who uses his abilities to make the enemy attack him and no one else. For hunters and warlocks, the pet usually operates as a tank in solo play.
  • Aggro is a term derived from the word "aggravate" that originated in MMORPGs. It represents how much a non-playing character/enemy wants to target and/or attack a playing character. In Army of Two, the amount of aggro for each player is visible on the Aggrometer. The player with the most aggro glows red, while his partner, with low aggro, appears transparent. Weapons can affect how much aggro you have. For example, shiny gold or chrome weapons will increase your aggro, while using a suppressor will decrease it.
  • Le terme Deck Aggro (agressif) signifie un Deck qui à été construit de manière à ne pas laisser la parole à l'adversaire. Il imposant un rythme de jeu très rapide, dès le début qui ne doit pas faiblir durant le cour de la partie. Ce Deck est donc l'inverse du contrôle, qui lui, temporise, et est long à mettre en place. Ce genre de Deck doit vite achever l'adversaire pour que celui-ci n'ait pas le temps de se développer. Les différents éléments qui caractérise l'aggro sont :
  • Aggro is a term derived from the word "aggravate" that originated in MMORPGs. It represents how much a non-playing character/enemy wants to target and/or attack a playing character. In Army of Two, the amount of aggro for each player is visible on the Aggrometer. The player with the most aggro glows red, while his partner, with low aggro, appears transparent. Weapons can affect how much aggro you have. For example, shiny gold or chrome weapons will increase your aggro, while using a suppressor will decrease it. Using and controlling aggro is a strategic aspect of the game. For example, one player can intentionally increase his aggro so that the enemies focus on him. Meanwhile his partner, with low aggro, can move around unnoticed, allowing him to sneak behind the enemies and sabotage them.
  • An aggressive NPC's aggro range can be seen by selecting the NPC and checking the radar map. A yellow circle appears around the NPC. The aggro range is never shown to the player by a value and must be determined by the in-game distance meter.
  • Aggroes, or aggressive monsters, are monsters that will initiate combat with you if you walk or run too close to them. In other words, they will aggress you. Aggro monsters have an Aggro range.
  • Aggro ist, wenn ein Monster dir gegenüber aggressiv wird. "Ack! Der Slack Tentacle Mutant Aggro'd mich!"
  • Aggro, or aggression, is how the infected in an area behave in response to a survivor. Aggro is one of the most commonly heard terms in Dead Frontier. It refers to the amount of attention the zombies in the Inner City give you. As aggro increases, so does the number and speed of zombies.
  • "Aggro" is a song by The Enemy. It is off of the album We'll Live and Die in These Towns (2007).
  • Le terme "Aggro" (agressivité) est utilisé de manière générale pour désigner la propension d'un monstre à vous attaquer. Exemples: * Attention, ces mobs aggro signifie: tu vas te faire attaquer si tu approches. * Avoir l'aggro (d'un monstre) se dit du joueur qui se fait attaquer par le monstre * Prendre l'aggro : (en groupe) s'arranger pour se faire attaquer par un monstre en préférence aux autres membres de son groupe. Dans Shaiya, le concept d'aggro est particulièrement important dans les stratégies de groupe, pour éviter que les joueurs les plus fragiles (notamment les classes de magie) se fassent attaquer. Il est un élément clé du gameplay des Défenseurs et Gardiens.
  • Aggro (AKA hate) is a gaming term used to describe how much a hostile Non-Player Character (NPC) wants to attack a certain Player Character (PC). It becomes more important as one reaches the upper echelons of difficulty, when it becomes nearly suicidal to do a stage without some degree of aggro control.
  • Aggro (aka hate) determines whether a mob will attack you. In RF a monster can attack one player at a time, and when you "pull aggro" on the mob, it attacks you. A red "bull" symbol shows above the mob's head when you pull aggro. You can get aggro by doing any of the following: * Doing the first hit on a mob * Doing a lot of damage (dps) to the mob * Debuffing the mob * Healing another player that is attacking the mob * Purging another player that is attacking a mob * Running supporter buff for someone who is attacking the mob Tank classes (like Black Knight, Mercenary, and Shield Miller) have class skills that force the mob to attack them, pulling aggro off of others.
  • Aggro ist die Bedrohung, die von einem Spieler erzeugt wird, sobald er Angriffe oder Zauber ausführt oder sich einem Gegner nähert. Dies ist im PvE wichtig, da die Gegner immer den Spieler mit der höchsten Aggro angreifen. Daher sollte der Tank immer die höchste Aggro haben. Zur Kontrolle sollte man sich einen Aggrometer in einem Addon herunterladen z.B. im Add-on pbinfo Kategorie:Begriffsklärung Kategorie:Abkürzungen
  • Aggro is a character from the Australian television program Wombat.
  • Das Wort Aggro wird bei Fiesta Online umgangsprachlich für aggresiv verwendet. Jedes Monster besitzt ein bestimmtes Aggro-Level. Befindest du dich mit deinem Charackter im Bereich des Aggro-Levels eines Monsters, so wird es dich unverzüglich angreifen. Die Levelabgrenzung liegt in der Regel bei 11 Leveln. Bsp.: Ein Spieler auf Level 23 wird von einem Aggro-Monster auf Level 12 nicht mehr angegriffen. Die Aggro kann ein Spieler auch auf sich lenken, wenn er z.B. keine Aggro mehr auf den Mob hat. Dies macht er, indem er viel Schaden macht oder dafür einen bestimmten Skill ausführt, wie zum Beispiel der Krieger. Monster mit Aggro reagieren nur bis zu einem bestimmten Level. Danach greifen sie nicht mehr an, wenn man an ihnen vorbeigeht, allerdings immer noch, wenn man sie angreift. Außerdem kommt es vor, dass bestimmte Monster selbstständig angreifen, wenn ein Mob ihrer Art attackiert wird (wie z.B. die Ebergang im Nebelwald). Kategorie:Abkürzungen & Begriffe in Fiesta- Online
  • Aggro is a shortening of "Aggressive (behavior)." This term refers to the behavior of an enemy approaching and attacking, as opposed to you attacking first. Only enemies high enough in level, relative to your main job level, can be aggressive towards you (with the exception of and some Notorious Monsters). Checking (/check) the monster can give you an idea of its level in relation to yours. Monsters that check as "Too Weak" will generally not be aggressive, along with some monsters in the "Easy Prey" range. However, Notorious Monsters will always check as "Impossible to Gauge", regardless of whether they are high enough in level to be aggressive towards you or not. From level 71 (possibly 70File:Exclamation.gif) onwards, monster spawns with a level range reaching 61+ will continue to aggro up to and including level 99. This is irrespective of the particular monster's level; a level 59 monster in a 59-61 range spawn will aggro, but a level 60 in a 58-60 won't. No new level ranges become "Too Weak" after level 75. Resting (/heal) temporarily drops your "level" to 1 as far as aggro rules are concerned. Meaning, if you rest in a "Too Weak" mob's aggro range, it will still aggro you no matter how high your actual level may be. Most Beastmen aggro. Many higher-level enemies of families that do not aggro at lower levels may aggro as well. Also note that although aggression is closely related to enmity, they are not the same. An aggressive enemy will attack without provocation, but until the player performs an action to generate enmity, it will remain at zero. Though this is usually a matter of technicalities, in some cases in can be relevant since, for example, enmity will not be generated by healing a character who has been aggroed but has not performed any action against the enemy.
  • The term Aggro, short for Aggression, has come to describe any Deck that has been constructed with fast-paced, aggressive tactics. Usually, an Aggro deck is a modified Beatdown Deck fitted with elements from other decks such as a Control Deck in order to better control the duel and continue to damage the opponent during the instances where their monster attacks are temporarily blocked. Some aggro monsters are "Cyber Dragon", "Hydrogeddon", "Morphtronic Radion", "Botanical Lion", "Banisher of the Light", "Legendary Jujitsu Master", and especially "Kaiser Vorse Raider" because they can overwhelm many other monsters with their effects. After the release of Shining Victories, the "Blue-Eyes" archetype can also quickly overwhelm the opponent, now being capable of summoning multiple "Blue-Eyes" monsters right out of the Main Deck, if not multiple "Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon" or "Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon", on the duel's opening turn. If you want to destroy the structure of well-structured and successful decks which only can be successful by summoning with Special Summons, play "Royal Oppression" to negate those summons and destroy these monsters by only paying 800 Life Points. As your opponent can use this effect too, you should only Normal Summon or Flip Summon. Try to destroy other structures of your opponent by playing monsters that remove from play cards from the graveyard and save these monsters by playing "Shrink", "Waboku" and "Prime Material Dragon"/"Stardust Dragon". An incredible option is "Kuraz the Light Monarch", since whenever he's Summoned he may destroy up to 2 cards your opponent controls (although he cannot attack that turn). An Aggro deck, which is much weaker but possible to play, is one based on "The A. Forces" or "Solidarity", some Warrior-type monsters with swarming effects, "Burden of the Mighty" and "Royal Decree". Use the Warrior-swarming effect with "The A. Forces" to multiply your attack easily and "Burden of the Mighty" to weaken your opponent. With "The A. Forces" you can summon "Marauding Captain" and, with its effect, summon "Command Knight", to have 2 monsters with 2000 ATK. This deck's main weakness is cards that destroy Spells and Traps. "Judgment of Anubis" may help you get rid of these cards. "Royal Decree" may only be used for a reversal when your opponent tries to stop you with Traps.
  • Aggro is a term used in MMORPGs and other online games to refer to monsters which attack player characters without any type of provocation. Monsters which do not attack this way are usually called "Docile". Docile creatures will only attack the player after an offensive action has been performed against them. Aggro can refer to the action of a monster attacking a player or it can refer to the monster itself. Synonyms for aggro include "Aggressive" and "Enmity", although the latter is also used in many other cases and the terms are not always interchangeable.
  • Aggro is a trait inherit to many ARPGs, it is also known as "hate", or "threat". It is an invisible series of values which determines how threatening a monster values each player. The value starts at 0 and builds as players fill certain criteria. The player with the highest non-zero threat value will be the person "with aggro", the one the monster will choose to attack. Dealing damage to any monster or standing in close proximity with a monster that is naturally aggro will generate threat, causing a monster to target the player instead of standing idle. Note that monsters can still have aggro once you have left the immediate area, and will remember their threat values when you return. All skills that target or include a monster in their effect will generate aggro, regardless of whether they deal damage. The following listing highlights the anomolies and abilities related to aggro. * Taunt * Pilfer * Seismic Shudder * Wicked Windmill * Mock Monsters * Cross Chop(Unconfirmed) * Mystic Mantra * Courageous Chorus * Song of Concentration * Diligent Ditty * Mars' Song * Hymn to the Goddess * Echo Guard * Secret Skill Bug (Mercenary) * Growling Tiger(Unconfirmed) * Appease * Extractor Fan * Sandstorm Salsa * Play Dead * Shadow Advance(Unconfirmed)
  • agressief betekent dat de monsters je automatisch aanvallen als je dicht in de buurt van ze loopt
  • Aggro (no real name known) is a student in Poe Cottage. He seems to be a utility prop when the author wants someone to be aggravating. He is known to be unhealthily thin for his height.
  • Met aggro is bedoeld dat een bepaalde mob een bepaalde karakter/speler aanvalt, waarbij threat een grote rol speelt, omdat iedere speler die een mob aanvalt threat genereert. Degene met de meeste threat krijgt meestal de aggro. De regels van aggro zijn hieronder uitgelegd. Sommige mobs hebben bepaalde attacks die andere zoals een speler die aggro heeft hoeft niet per se de gene te zijn met het meeste threat. Aggro-regeling is een van de belangrijkste aspecten in een party of raid, want het bepaalt hoeveel damage jij en de party krijgen en bij wie de damage terecht komt. Aggro houden is meestal gedaan door een persoon/klasse/karakter die de vijand aanvalt en bepaalde vaardigheden gebruikt om het ook te houden. Aggro-controle is een kunst en wordt gedaan door alle groepsgenoten zodat een vijand een bepaalde persoon blijft aanvallen en de raidof groep niet aanvalt. Enige tijd werd er gedacht dat spelers het aggro-systeem nooit zouden snappen omdat gedacht werd dat het te ingewikkeld was. Omdat Blizzard te weinig informatie heeft losgelaten. Maar vandaag is er toch genoeg theoretische informatie bekend die aggro uitlegt en het werken ervan op bepaalde mobs.
  • Aggro is an English slang word, probably originally derived from the words "aggravation" or "aggression", and used since at least the 1960s. In MMORPGs, such as WoW, aggro denotes the aggressive interests of a monster/NPC. Some examples are "We've got aggro!" and "Go aggro that monster". For example, you may read of a player who died while fighting one mob because she aggroed another mob — that is, another mob decided to attack her because she got too close to it, or for other reasons. See Aggro radius. Aggro is closely associated with the concept of threat. If a mob is under attack by more than one player (or by a player and her pet), then the mob will aggro onto (i.e., will begin to attack) the attacker with the highest threat. Aggro is understood to be the condition of a particular mob attacking a particular character, while threat is the numeric value that each attacker has towards each character on its threat list. The basic behavior of aggro is controlled by the rules outlined below. Some mobs will have secondary attacks which have different targeting procedures; even for a normal creature, the target who has aggro is not necessarily the player highest on its threat list. Managing aggro is one of the most important aspects of grouping because it determines how much damage the group receives and where the damage ends up. Holding aggro is done by (usually) one person (the tank) who uses his abilities to make the enemy attack him and no one else. For hunters and warlocks, the pet usually operates as a tank in solo play. Aggro control is the art and work which is done by all members of a party to force the mob to attack the tank(s). For a long time it was thought that players would never be able get a sound understanding of how aggro works because it was assumed that it is based on complicated AI algorithms which can't reasonably be deduced from the little information Blizzard has made available to us. Thanks to the work of some dedicated individuals, however, it is now known that this is not the case. Today there is a quite thorough theory on aggro which explains most of the factors involved in a mob's target selection.
  • Aggro, de l'anglais aggressive (agressif), désigne le fait qu'un ou plusieurs monstres attaquent un joueur en particulier, sans vouloir le lâcher. Prendre l'aggro désigne le fait d'attirer, volontairement ou non, l'agressivité d'un ou plusieurs monstres par un joueur. Un monstre aggro est un monstre agressif qui attaquera tout joueur passant à sa portée (voir Aggro Range)
  • Aggro, when used as a verb, refers to a hostile mob which has noticed a player and is actively trying to attack that player. As a noun, it refers to the amount of “hostility” the player has generated on the mob. In typical combat strategy, the fighter tries to take as much aggro as possible away from weaker players such as healers and mages. See also Hate.
  • Aggro is a t-shirt being sold in the Penny Arcade Store for $17.99.
  • Aggro is a jargon word in WoW, probably originally derived from the English word "aggravation", and used since at least the 1960s in British slang. In MMORPGs, such as WoW, aggro denotes the aggressive interests of a monster/npc. Some examples are "We've got aggro!" and "Go aggro that monster". For example, you may read of a player who died while fighting one mob because she aggroed another mob — that is, another mob decided to attack her because she got too close to it, or for other reasons. See Aggro radius. Aggro is closely associated with the concept of threat. If a mob is under attack by more than one player (or by a player and her pet), then the mob will aggro onto (i.e., will begin to attack) the attacker with the highest threat. Aggro is understood to be the condition of a particular mob attacking a particular character, while threat is the numeric value that each attacker has towards each character on its threat list. The basic behavior of aggro is controlled by the rules outlined below. Some mobs will have secondary attacks which have different targeting procedures; even for a normal creature, the target who has aggro is not necessarily the player highest on its threat list. Managing aggro is one of the most important aspects of grouping because it determines how much damage the group receives and where the damage ends up. Holding aggro is done by (usually) one person (the tank) who uses his abilities to make the enemy attack him and no one else. For hunters and warlocks, the pet usually operates as a tank in solo play. Aggro control is the art and work which is done by all members of a party to force the mob to attack the tank(s). For a long time it was thought that players would never be able get a sound understanding of how aggro works because it was assumed that it is based on complicated AI algorithms which can't reasonably be deduced from the little information Blizzard has made available to us. Thanks to the work of some dedicated individuals, however, it is now known that this is not the case. Today there is a quite thorough theory on aggro which explains most of the factors involved in a mob's target selection.
  • Le terme Deck Aggro (agressif) signifie un Deck qui à été construit de manière à ne pas laisser la parole à l'adversaire. Il imposant un rythme de jeu très rapide, dès le début qui ne doit pas faiblir durant le cour de la partie. Ce Deck est donc l'inverse du contrôle, qui lui, temporise, et est long à mettre en place. Ce genre de Deck doit vite achever l'adversaire pour que celui-ci n'ait pas le temps de se développer. Les différents éléments qui caractérise l'aggro sont : * Swarm : le swarm et un des caractéristique principal du deck aggro. En effet pour submerger l'adversaire, les gros monstres sont une très bonne optique. Pour réaliser le swarm, l'Invocation Spéciale est le meilleur moyen. Parmi les monstres les plus utiles dans ce domaine, il y a : Téléphon Morphtronique, Tueur de Trolls, Sabre XX, Chat Sauveteur, Cyber Dragon... * Boost : le boost est tout simplement une augmentation des stats, il permet donc de tuer plus rapidemment l'adversaire ou de faire pallir même les plus gros monstre du côté adverse. C'est principalement le rôle des Cartes Magie comme : Solidarité, Limiter Removal... * Destruction : la destruction est tout simplement le fait de détruire : soit les monstres adverses pour pouvoir attaquer plus vite directement les Life Points adverse, avec des cartes comme Destruction Terrestre ou Fissure, soit les Cartes Magie et Piège pour assurer l'attaque sans se faire contrer grâce à Violent Orage, Typhon d'Espace Mystique, Tornade Géante...
  • Aggro is a slang term meaning "to cause hostile NPC mobs to attack by attacking or getting too close to them." Short for "aggravate". The compass displays a white translucent circle, the Danger Zone (also called "aggro bubble" or "aggro circle"), that surrounds your character. Generally, any enemy (indicated by red dots) that enters your Danger Zone immediately becomes aware of your presence and is aggravated, causing it to attack you/cast spells on you as its AI dictates. Exceptions to this behavior are very low level enemies in starter areas such as Pre-Searing, Istan and Shing Jea Island. Careful understanding and awareness of your Danger Zone is very important, especially if your teammates are low on health/energy or already attacking another group of enemies. Attacking (even from a range further than the aggro circle) and casting spells on foes will aggro that creature and the entire party that creature is a member of.
  • Aggro is a term used by game players to describe of monsters' choice of targets- an aspect of the Artificial Intelligence, or AI. It is only relevant to fighting in a squad or for pet users (Venomancer and Mystic). The two basic rules of aggro for squad roles are: * If a heavy armor user, always get aggro on every monster in a pack-attack every monster that has not been damaged yet, and pay particular attention to monsters that have been accidentally aggroed by healers or mages. In the case of Venomancers and Mystics, this same rule holds for their pets-send the pet first, at any undamaged targets, to gain their aggro, even if not planning on keeping it, and use the pet to damage and hopefully regain aggro of loose mobs. Note that Mystics' pets are less hardy than Venomancers'. * The reverse holds for mages, including the Venomancer/Mystic's own spells-only attack the monster first if absolutely certain of killing it before it can do significant physical damage. Physical Ranged attack mobs like Hexocelots, Tombstones, and Archers of all kinds are the special bane of Arcane Armor wearers, and more care must be taken against them. Assassin and Archer Light Armor users should, of course, take the middle ground -gain aggro if Arcane armor wearers are being attacked, but strive to not steal aggro from Heavy Armor users. Distance matters a lot, and basically breaks the rules of aggro management completely. As noted above, range allows mages and archers to kill a target before it reaches them. Conversely, Arcane armor wearers close to a monster should consider moving away from it before attacking, even if aggro is being held. Monsters switching targets to cloth wearers simply because they can easily do so, rather than because the cloth wearer got more aggro, is less true in PWI than in other games. However, the chance of monsters respawning right next to Arcane Armor wearers is much, much higher than in other games-consider using only a single knockback spell or no spells, and immediately flying away, rather than dealing with this cheap and all-too-effective player-killing game device. If already engaged with another monster, the temptation is to not lose the effort already expended on the current monster, but do not fall for it-more XP will surely be lost by dying than flying. Aggressive monsters will attack, or aggro, whoever comes close to them. Some monsters will attack when others of their species nearby are aggroed; a few, such as in dungeons, will attack if any other monster nearby is aggroed. In other games, it is possible to body pull-that is, pass close by a monster, aggroing it, but not alerting other monsters as attacking it would. This is not possible in PWI-if a nearby monster would aggro from an attack on its fellow monster, it will also aggro if the fellow monster is aggroed by proximity to a player. If another monster does not join in, then it was far enough away to not respond at all.
  • Certain characters such as Reyn, Dunban and Fiora are used to gain aggro so that other characters can find a better position. The three mentioned character will either have high defence and HP (Reyn) to attract enemy attacks, or high agility (Dunban and Fiora) to dodge the attacks.
  • To Aggro means to aggravate a monster. In gaming, it's typically used to indicate that a monster is attacking you.