  • Arrange an audience with the Bishop
  • From: [[]] He's a busy bishop, and his secretary is brisk and sceptical. You'll need a convincing excuse. [Find the rest of the story at ]
Success title
  • 'I am in mortal danger of my immortal soul! Only the Bishop can help me!'
Failure title
  • 'I am the Bishop's cousin, cruelly parted from him these many long years! Don't you see the resemblance?'
  • 45
Failure description
  • No. No he doesn't. He hopes you can see yourself out.
From Card/Storylet title
  • Ambition: Heart's Desire - The Bishop of St Fiacre's 1
Success description
  • Well, if the Bishop helps you then your soul will be in considerably more danger, but what you said is technically true[…] In any case, your cleverly managed air of desperation seems to have convinced the Bishop's secretary to make an appointment.[…]
  • He's a busy bishop, and his secretary is brisk and sceptical. You'll need a convincing excuse.
  • From: [[]] He's a busy bishop, and his secretary is brisk and sceptical. You'll need a convincing excuse. [Find the rest of the story at ]