  • Grandma Arbuckle
  • <default>No Title</default> First AppearanceNo information Gender Personality Family Voice Grandma Evylin Clint Arbuckle (born June 12, 1912) is Jon Arbuckle and Doc Boy's paternal grandmother, being the mother of Dad Arbuckle. Based off of Jim Davis's own grandma, she loves Jon, Garfield, and Odie, as well as the rest of her family. Much like Garfield, despite her few sarcastic remarks, is still a loving and caring person. She occasionally makes appearances throughout the series. The most is revealed about her in Garfield's Christmas special, where it is revealed that her husband has died and she talks about her life with him. Grandma rarely appears in the comic strip (perhaps only 5 times) but played a main role in the Thanksgiving and Christmas specials.
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  • Family
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  • Female
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  • First Appearance
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  • Voice
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  • Grandmotherly, eccentric, old but youthful, tough, kind, loving, caring, selfless, feisty, sassy, fun-loving, spunky, funny, somewhat sarcastic.
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  • Personality
Box Title
  • Grandma Arbuckle
  • <default>No Title</default> First AppearanceNo information Gender Personality Family Voice Grandma Evylin Clint Arbuckle (born June 12, 1912) is Jon Arbuckle and Doc Boy's paternal grandmother, being the mother of Dad Arbuckle. Based off of Jim Davis's own grandma, she loves Jon, Garfield, and Odie, as well as the rest of her family. Much like Garfield, despite her few sarcastic remarks, is still a loving and caring person. She occasionally makes appearances throughout the series. The most is revealed about her in Garfield's Christmas special, where it is revealed that her husband has died and she talks about her life with him. Grandma rarely appears in the comic strip (perhaps only 5 times) but played a main role in the Thanksgiving and Christmas specials. Jon's grandmother was originally introduced to the comic strip in January 25 1982. She was depicted as an elderly woman, wearing a plain dark dress and her hair was in a tight bun. Jon's grandma was reintroduced to the comic strip December 25 1993, this time she was wearing a pink and green sweatsuit and driving a motorcycle. Her comic strip appearance also carried to her animated appearances were she was depicted as an energetic elderly lady in a sweater and jeans, and she sometimes is also seen riding a motorcycle. She is voiced by Pat Carroll and her full name is Patty Evylin Clint Arbuckle.
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