  • Battlefield of Ayn Tayan
  • This point of interest consists of a small hill populated mostly by low level skeletons (mostly Warriors). At the base of the hill lies a statue of Bael'Zharon surrounded by many bones. Traveling up the hill you will find to carpeted with bones and some Skeletons. At the top of the hill you will find more bones and skeletons as well as a large Empyrean style head with a green mist surrounding it.
Patch Introduced
  • To Raise a Banner of Flame or Taste of Twilight
  • This point of interest consists of a small hill populated mostly by low level skeletons (mostly Warriors). At the base of the hill lies a statue of Bael'Zharon surrounded by many bones. Traveling up the hill you will find to carpeted with bones and some Skeletons. At the top of the hill you will find more bones and skeletons as well as a large Empyrean style head with a green mist surrounding it.