  • Control Point
  • Control point
  • Placeholder for actual page.
  • Control points is a place where two teams need to capture or defend.
  • Control Point, or CP, is one of the four game modes in gang Garrison 2. The objective in Control Point is to capture all of the 'points' on a map. There are two types of Capture Point maps: Attack/Defense (abbreviated a/d cp) and Standard.
  • Control Points (File:ControlPoint.png CPs) are independent computer structures that manage a network of structures around an area. These can be hacked and, if defended long enough, the Control Point and its surrounding structures will fall under the team's command. Securing Control Points is a key element in achieving victory on the battlefield.
  • Control points (also known as simply "points") are the main objectives of Control, Assault and the first half of Hybrid maps. They usually take the form of rectangular shaped areas that teams must either capture or defend in order to win a match. There is one control point in Hybrid map, two control points in Assault map and three control points in Control map.
  • A Control Point is a capturable shrine during an Alliance Battle. There are four distinctive kinds of control points that play a role in a battle. A Control Point has three status. Kurzick Control, Neutral and Luxon Control. To capture a control point a character must be within the danger radius zone of it. A control point will be in neutral status by default. Control Points will grant certain bonuses to a side, for further details check the individual pages of the control point types.
  • A control point is an in-game representation of a mission objective. The player's goal is to secure control points for the team, and prevent the other team from capturing same. In terms of gameplay, the addition of control points drives action away from "deathmatch" bouts to more strategic "attack/defend" fare. Control points often provide access to vehicles, especially to certain types of vehicle that may not be present at the home base. Because control points may also serve as spawn points, owning a control point gives the team a significant advantage in movement and terrain control.
  • Placeholder for actual page.
  • Control points is a place where two teams need to capture or defend.
  • Control Point, or CP, is one of the four game modes in gang Garrison 2. The objective in Control Point is to capture all of the 'points' on a map. There are two types of Capture Point maps: Attack/Defense (abbreviated a/d cp) and Standard.
  • Control Points (File:ControlPoint.png CPs) are independent computer structures that manage a network of structures around an area. These can be hacked and, if defended long enough, the Control Point and its surrounding structures will fall under the team's command. Securing Control Points is a key element in achieving victory on the battlefield.
  • A Control Point is a capturable shrine during an Alliance Battle. There are four distinctive kinds of control points that play a role in a battle. A Control Point has three status. Kurzick Control, Neutral and Luxon Control. To capture a control point a character must be within the danger radius zone of it. A control point will be in neutral status by default. A Control Point will only be active to an alliance when it is under their control, this can be recognized by a blue light(Kurzick) or red light(Luxon) spreading out from the shrine. When the shrine is not controlled by either alliance, it will not display any color and is in a neutral status. Control Points will grant certain bonuses to a side, for further details check the individual pages of the control point types. By holding a control point: From the start of the match, every 7 seconds the game checks to see how many control points a side holds. 1 point is added to a side's score for every control point that side holds when the game checks.
  • Control points (also known as simply "points") are the main objectives of Control, Assault and the first half of Hybrid maps. They usually take the form of rectangular shaped areas that teams must either capture or defend in order to win a match. There is one control point in Hybrid map, two control points in Assault map and three control points in Control map.
  • A control point is an in-game representation of a mission objective. The player's goal is to secure control points for the team, and prevent the other team from capturing same. In terms of gameplay, the addition of control points drives action away from "deathmatch" bouts to more strategic "attack/defend" fare. A home base or deployment is a special control point that serves as the team's initial spawn point, or that offers the greatest selection of vehicles. The home base also contains the team's commander assets in games where a Commander role is present, except Battlefield 4, where they are linked to other control points. On some game modes, the home base may be uncapturable or locked against immediate capture. Control points often provide access to vehicles, especially to certain types of vehicle that may not be present at the home base. Because control points may also serve as spawn points, owning a control point gives the team a significant advantage in movement and terrain control.
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