  • King Zero
  • Eventually, after Charlie Horse teaches a group of kids about numbers and their benefits, they (mostly Charlie Horse) chant about it to him. Later, Hush Puppy, as the police chief, joins the mob of children, and Lamb Chop (as the prime minister) tells him to know his numbers, all to his disbelief. Charlie Horse, with the help of the Number Fairy, begins (with the other kids joining in) to demand he show them his crown, but he cannot because, though knowing the combination is 2-4-6-8, he cannot open the lock on the treasure chest, where it is kept, which is because he doesn't know what numbers even look like. However, Lamb Chop and Charlie Horse help him with numbers. Eventually, he reveals his crown and wears it. It is implied that he reforms, as the Land of No Numbers is turned into the L
  • Eventually, after Charlie Horse teaches a group of kids about numbers and their benefits, they (mostly Charlie Horse) chant about it to him. Later, Hush Puppy, as the police chief, joins the mob of children, and Lamb Chop (as the prime minister) tells him to know his numbers, all to his disbelief. Charlie Horse, with the help of the Number Fairy, begins (with the other kids joining in) to demand he show them his crown, but he cannot because, though knowing the combination is 2-4-6-8, he cannot open the lock on the treasure chest, where it is kept, which is because he doesn't know what numbers even look like. However, Lamb Chop and Charlie Horse help him with numbers. Eventually, he reveals his crown and wears it. It is implied that he reforms, as the Land of No Numbers is turned into the Land of Many Numbers. King Zero was played by Darran Doran.