  • Take some art lessons
  • From: [[]] It may be better to learn a bit about portraiture before you begin. Your Veilgarden friends should be able to help, if you offer them some honey. [Find the rest of the story at ]
Success title
  • There is no substitute for experience.
Failure title
  • A bad workman...
  • 83
Failure description
  • It's not your fault you are making such slow progress! It's these stupid pencils, they're too sharp! And those ones are too blunt! […] maybe all that honey you gave them is hindering their teaching skills. Yes. That will definitely be the reason.
From Card/Storylet title
  • Commission: A Royal Portrait
Success description
  • Your artist friends enjoy a challenge. And honey. They do enjoy the honey. But to give them their due, once they see you are serious, they take you […] You begin to develop quite a distinctive style, and this gives you a happy glow of confidence.
  • It may be better to learn a bit about portraiture before you begin. Your Veilgarden friends should be able to help, if you offer them some honey.
  • From: [[]] It may be better to learn a bit about portraiture before you begin. Your Veilgarden friends should be able to help, if you offer them some honey. [Find the rest of the story at ]