  • Lightning Release: Heavenly Fang
  • Once the necessary hand seals are done the users hand charges up with lightning chakra, once this is done the use lifts his hand up towards the sky and then shoots out a large bolt of electrified chakra-like essence into the clouds, causing a torrent of lightning to come crashing down towards an opponent. There is also a secondary use for this jutsu as the user needs electrified energy from thunder clouds in order to activate the Lightning Emperor Armor. If done properly the user can control the lightning to their advantage without causing any harm to them.
debut shippuden
  • No
unnamed jutsu
  • No
  • Once the necessary hand seals are done the users hand charges up with lightning chakra, once this is done the use lifts his hand up towards the sky and then shoots out a large bolt of electrified chakra-like essence into the clouds, causing a torrent of lightning to come crashing down towards an opponent. There is also a secondary use for this jutsu as the user needs electrified energy from thunder clouds in order to activate the Lightning Emperor Armor. If done properly the user can control the lightning to their advantage without causing any harm to them.