  • Axesynth (deleted 07 May 2008 at 20:50)
  • The ElectroKraft AxeSynth is an electronic musical instrument invented by Tony Amendolare of Long Island, N.Y. Shaped like a guitar, with a neck and body it utilizes two sensors to produce synthesized tones. The main sensor, located on the "neck" is a Force Sensitive Resistor (FSR) sensor strip which, when touch at various positions creates corresponding synthesized frequencies. The AxeSynth also utilizes a photoresistor sensor, whereby varying amounts of light on the sensor is controlled by the musician's hand, resembling Theremin-like frequency control.
  • The ElectroKraft AxeSynth is an electronic musical instrument invented by Tony Amendolare of Long Island, N.Y. Shaped like a guitar, with a neck and body it utilizes two sensors to produce synthesized tones. The main sensor, located on the "neck" is a Force Sensitive Resistor (FSR) sensor strip which, when touch at various positions creates corresponding synthesized frequencies. The AxeSynth also utilizes a photoresistor sensor, whereby varying amounts of light on the sensor is controlled by the musician's hand, resembling Theremin-like frequency control.