  • Tanzanian Cuisine
  • Tanzania is a state in Eastern Africa and it is surrounded by waters: the Indian Ocean and the range of the great African lakes: Malawi, Victoria and Tanganyika. The natural space is various, as Tanzania has both mountains, including volcanoes and fields with a various fauna and flora. The basic occupation of the inhabitants is agriculture and the basic agricultural products are cotton, corn, manioc, rice, sugar cane, acajou nuts, tea, coffee and various spices.
  • Tanzania is a state in Eastern Africa and it is surrounded by waters: the Indian Ocean and the range of the great African lakes: Malawi, Victoria and Tanganyika. The natural space is various, as Tanzania has both mountains, including volcanoes and fields with a various fauna and flora. The basic occupation of the inhabitants is agriculture and the basic agricultural products are cotton, corn, manioc, rice, sugar cane, acajou nuts, tea, coffee and various spices. The most common meals from the Tanzanian diet include all the local plants and fruits: rice, Wheat, corn, beans, cabbage, various nuts, bananas, mangos, pineapple and coconut, which is also consumed as milk. Meat is not so frequent, although Chicken is consumed in many styles with rice or the traditional ugali and on the coastal areas, people prefer to eat fish with rice. Added to these, the duckling meat is considered a delicacy and it is only served on special occasions. In general, the Tanzanian cuisine is representative for the African ones, especially for the Eastern regions of Africa: bananas as starch for many meals, fruit drinks, citrus juices, cloves, cinnamons, roasted fish, spicy and curried meals, Wheat, corn, rice and various kinds of home made breads.