  • N.S.H. Base
  • N.S.H. base
  • Location: -4624 -3236 Planet: Talus The base consists of a surrounding barrier with one point of entry, a watch tower with Imperials and a N.S.H. Officer inside, and a under-ground bunker facility with several rooms of sealed medical supply crates. The Rebel Investigation quest will take you here.
  • The N.S.H. base was a facility on the Twin World of Talus used by the Nightstrike Soldier Hegemony during the time of the Galactic Civil War. It was located in a region of Talus known as the Ageyn Foothills. The base consisted of a watch tower and an underground bunker within a walled perimeter. In addition to base's staff of N.S.H. personnel, soldiers, torture officers, B1 battle droids, and a specialized Droideka named Broadside, the base was also guarded by Imperial stormtroopers. The base's watch tower was also staffed by an Imperial commander. A number of prisoners were held in holding cells within the underground bunker, including a Wookiee named Syirlabradawk. Within the base were also medical supply crates. The A.C.L.O emblems on these crates were hastily covered by the N.S.H. logo
  • N.S.H. Base
  • The N.S.H. base was a facility on the Twin World of Talus used by the Nightstrike Soldier Hegemony during the time of the Galactic Civil War. It was located in a region of Talus known as the Ageyn Foothills. The base consisted of a watch tower and an underground bunker within a walled perimeter. In addition to base's staff of N.S.H. personnel, soldiers, torture officers, B1 battle droids, and a specialized Droideka named Broadside, the base was also guarded by Imperial stormtroopers. The base's watch tower was also staffed by an Imperial commander. A number of prisoners were held in holding cells within the underground bunker, including a Wookiee named Syirlabradawk. Within the base were also medical supply crates. The A.C.L.O emblems on these crates were hastily covered by the N.S.H. logo.
  • Location: -4624 -3236 Planet: Talus The base consists of a surrounding barrier with one point of entry, a watch tower with Imperials and a N.S.H. Officer inside, and a under-ground bunker facility with several rooms of sealed medical supply crates. The Rebel Investigation quest will take you here.