  • A Reason to Protect
  • Quickly, Gai Nagareboshi darted forward, grasping his blade in both of his hands. His eyes remained focused upon his foe, as his spiritual energy enveloped his entirety. He quickly stabbed at Chira's chest with Aitashoshin. The crimson trenchcoat flowed in the heavy rain. Gai's body lost all of its speed. "My turn." Chira declared, as he moved. If Gai Nagareboshi left an afterimage of a vermillion trenchcoat in the blackness as he ran, Chira Tendou melted into the darkness as he approached his prey, moving at a demon-like speed that didn't even allow Gai to grasp the process of him approaching. The moment he stopped next to the immobile Gai, Chira's black coat flapped in the air. Gai was unable to respond to Chira's quiet approach; he had been looking at the man advance towards him, but he
  • Quickly, Gai Nagareboshi darted forward, grasping his blade in both of his hands. His eyes remained focused upon his foe, as his spiritual energy enveloped his entirety. He quickly stabbed at Chira's chest with Aitashoshin. The crimson trenchcoat flowed in the heavy rain. Gai's body lost all of its speed. "My turn." Chira declared, as he moved. If Gai Nagareboshi left an afterimage of a vermillion trenchcoat in the blackness as he ran, Chira Tendou melted into the darkness as he approached his prey, moving at a demon-like speed that didn't even allow Gai to grasp the process of him approaching. The moment he stopped next to the immobile Gai, Chira's black coat flapped in the air. Gai was unable to respond to Chira's quiet approach; he had been looking at the man advance towards him, but he couldn't perceive that the man was standing right next to him. "…!!" A cold sweat ran down his back; only now, he barely understood that he was facing someone akin to a bodhisattva. This time, Gai wasn't unprepared. Instead of allowing himself to be caught, the Mototsu-Seishin hybrid swirled around with no time to waste, while darkness gathered and converged upon the blade to its utmost limit. The weapon became a blade that showed nothing but the endless abyss, as the darkness converged to a single point; the tip. Gai declared, "Shining Onslaught!" as he swung forward, unleashing a spinning, 'X' shaped blast of darkness from his weapon which shot towards his foe at incomprehensible speeds point-blank, knocking him back several steps. Wait, was this it? It seemed as if Mitsuru's training was paying off big time. He felt almost weightless and more powerful than ever. A wily smirk formed upon Gai's face, as if anticipating finally defeating his foe; full of confidence… ….A look that immediately ceased as Gai noticed that Chira was no worse for wear. He wasn't just no worse for wear; Shining Onslaught had barely scratched him, if not dealt zero damage at all! Dammit! All while he was acting pissed off, Chira had zoomed in, walloping him with a mighty haymaker—the force of which sent the young'un careening across the ground at an astounding pace, before Gai halted his fall by thrusting Aitashoshin into the already-wrecked asphalt, utilizing it as a brake. Uprooting his blade from the ground, Gai snarled at his foe, yelling, "Damn bastard! Don't toy with me!" He'd show 'im. He'd show 'em all. He had more than enough power to take them all down; the only way he thought to vent his anger on these bastards was to kick the crap out of them in battle. Chira kept a composed expression; his stance never faltering. He remained unimpressed by his foe—of course, while he had grown stronger as a fighter, he'd more or less remained static as a person overall. Gai snapped, "Well?! Say something, you son of a—" Immediately, Chira silenced the young Mototsu-Seishin hybrid, declaring, "…Yet, you have learned nothing. Didn't you understand? The whole purpose of training is to better yourself as a person, not physically. Well, for you, at least. Before you trained, you already possessed enough strength to defeat even the strongest foes. The reason I set our rematch to today was because I wished to fight a noble, honourable foe, not some brat. True strength comes from the wellspring of emotion known as the heart; with a desire to fight not for oneself, even the weakest warrior can take down the Soul King!" "But you, you're nothing but a delinquent swinging around a sword for no other reason than you're enraged at this world—and yourself. Deep down, you loathe yourself for all the tragedies you've caused in misguided attempts to do what you believe is right. Yet, still, you prevailed through unimaginable hells because you had a reason to fight. Right now, you're fighting because you have a personal vendetta. Look where revenge has gotten us so far. If you keep up attempting to fight with such flimsy reasons, then you have no right to call yourself a warrior, Gaillardia Nagareboshi!" *WHAM!* The moment that Chira finished his rant, he translocated in front of the Mototsu-Seishin hybrid utilizing Shunpo, slamming his fist into the young man's gut at extreme speeds, exceeding that of a bullet train, with enough force to send Gai rolling into a fountain in a similar manner to a soccer ball. "D-Dammit…!" Clutching his head in pain, Gai Nagareboshi stood to his feet weakly, still grasping Aitashoshin in his hand, tighter than ever. He couldn't believe what was happening; all that training and Chira was still running circles around him? His clothes were further drenched, as he quickly hopped out of the fountain, gritting his teeth. Chira was nowhere to be seen for the briefest of moments; Gai quickly glanced to the sky, noticing his foe about to slam down upon his head with a bone-shattering axe kick. Utilizing Kōshinho to skate away, Gai spun around, his hand gripping the ground to ensure that he wouldn't lose balance. Darkness coursed down Aitashoshin's blade, as Gai's eyes focused upon Chira, who was approaching him unflinchingly. Quickly, Chira finally drew his weapon from its sheathe. As a contrast to Kōshinhōō's European theme, Chira's Zanpakutō remained firm in the roots of the Zanpakutō- keeping a distinctly Japanese theme. The ōdachi was over three meters long, with a slightly serrated appearance to it when it came to the blade. It shone a distinctly illustrious golden, with a claw-like tsuba and pommel. The hilt was a deep red. This was the Zanpakutō of Chira Tendou—Rakkakyōryū. Gai smirked, "…Heh. So I'm worthy to face your true might now, eh?" Clearly, Chira's words weren't getting smashed into his thick skull. "…No. It's because I wish to rid the world of a pest who lacks the inability to learn." Chira's words were as razor-sharp as his weapon; Gai's pupils contracted in annoyance, before the Mototsu-Seishin hybrid leapt forward at his foe. There was no backing down. *SLAM!* Gai Nagareboshi and Chira Tendou's Zanpakutō clashed, as sparks erupted from the powerful clash of weapons. At that moment when Aitashoshin and Rakkakyōryū contacted with each other, the sheer force of the clash generated an extremely powerful sonic boom that decimated the surroundings. Locked in a struggle, neither foe backed down, forcing their reiatsu into their blades, significantly amplifying their power as auras surrounded and swirled around the swords. With Gai's aura of white coating Aitashoshin, such a force was countered by Chira's jet-black representation of his spiritual energy. As Gai's eyes, which were full of hate narrowed significantly, focusing on Chira, the target of his rage, his foe stoically uttered, "Struggle is futile. Why do you bother to fight, when you have no valid reason to do so?" Gai's only response to this was to grit his teeth, baring the sharp incisors of the Mototsu race towards his foe. "…Because, you piss me off!" Wordlessly, Chira's reiatsu-enhanced Rakkakyōryū overpowered Gai's aura-coated Aitashoshin, pushing his young foe away, who attempted to stand his ground, his small feet digging into the ground in defiance. Gai's left hand, which was holding his Zanpakutō tensed, as his lithe body slowly began to feel the strain from such a futile struggle. Chira snapped, "Don't you understand? We're fighting on your terms, and you're still losing." Gai's eyes widened; it was not a wise decision to shift his attention away from Chira, who had immediately utilized Shunpo to translocate himself in front of Gai and unleashed an exceedingly powerful high kick directed at his face, sending the young Mototsu-Seishin hybrid careening through a building. As his delicate body flailed along the ground, Gai planted Aitashoshin into the ground in an attempt to slow his movement, utilizing the blade as a sort of brake. Still…What use was there in fighting, if there was no reason to fight?