  • Casino Gamblers
  • Casino Gamblers are NPC's available during the Burns' Casino 2016 Event. They serve as the usual roaming characters. They are spawned ever 5 minutes until the amount of 30 is reached. When the town is filled further Casino Gamblers are spawned to a bank and moved from the bank into the town as soon as some of them are tapped by the player. The bank also can't hold more than 30 Casino Gamblers. So if the player doesn't clear their town at least every five hours, any additional spawns will be lost.
Row 1 info
Row 1 title
  • Event
  • 86
  • Casino Gamblers are NPC's available during the Burns' Casino 2016 Event. They serve as the usual roaming characters. They are spawned ever 5 minutes until the amount of 30 is reached. When the town is filled further Casino Gamblers are spawned to a bank and moved from the bank into the town as soon as some of them are tapped by the player. The bank also can't hold more than 30 Casino Gamblers. So if the player doesn't clear their town at least every five hours, any additional spawns will be lost.