  • Paul McNulty
  • In May, 2007, he quit working for The Greatest Administration Ever to spend more time with his family. During a press conference to explain his feelings about Mr. McNulty leaving to spend more time with his family, Mr. Gonzales admitted that McNulty was single-handedly responsible for the U.S. attorney firings scandal. And his resignation completely removes any cloud which may have been hanging over the head of Alberto Gonzales. Mr. Gonzales wished Mr. McNulty was more involved in the firings and Mr. McNulty was single-handedly responsible for the U.S. attorney firings.
  • In May, 2007, he quit working for The Greatest Administration Ever to spend more time with his family. During a press conference to explain his feelings about Mr. McNulty leaving to spend more time with his family, Mr. Gonzales admitted that McNulty was single-handedly responsible for the U.S. attorney firings scandal. And his resignation completely removes any cloud which may have been hanging over the head of Alberto Gonzales. In factiness, during testimony before Congress, Mr. Gonzales wished that Mr. McNulty was more involved, which in no way means that Mr. Gonzales lied either time, but that both instances were true. Mr. Gonzales wished Mr. McNulty was more involved in the firings and Mr. McNulty was single-handedly responsible for the U.S. attorney firings. This article is a stub. You can get a Tip of the Hat* from Stephen by adding only truthiness to it.*Tip of the Hat not guaranteed.