  • Try a little eavesdropping
  • From: [[]] Offer to take him out for tea, but arrive at his lodgings early. You never know who else you might see. [Find the rest of the story at ]
Success title
  • Now that's interesting
  • 13
From Card/Storylet title
  • Make use of the Struggling Artist
Success description
  • You arrive at the young man's garret door and secrete yourself in a hallway closet. Through a crack in the door, you observe some very interesting comings and goings. Surely clergymen and devils don't usually meet in artists' studios?
  • Offer to take him out for tea, but arrive at his lodgings early. You never know who else you might see.
  • From: [[]] Offer to take him out for tea, but arrive at his lodgings early. You never know who else you might see. [Find the rest of the story at ]