  • Thunderbird 5 (TB2015)
  • TB5's utility does not end once a rescue is set in motion, since the satellite's second role is to provide oversight and technical assistance during operations, hacking into and taking control of data networks and their stored information, vehicles and other machinery involved in or vital to the rescue. To this end, TB5 is equipped with powerful solar-powered supercomputers with holographic interfaces supplemented by EOS' own advanced capabilities.
  • TB5's utility does not end once a rescue is set in motion, since the satellite's second role is to provide oversight and technical assistance during operations, hacking into and taking control of data networks and their stored information, vehicles and other machinery involved in or vital to the rescue. To this end, TB5 is equipped with powerful solar-powered supercomputers with holographic interfaces supplemented by EOS' own advanced capabilities. The most unusual and unique Thunderbird, TB5 is not a hands-on rescue machine as a matter of routine, but is nonetheless one of International Rescue's, if not Earth's, most useful and powerful machines.