  • World Wrestling Xistence
  • The oldest recorded history of World Wrestling Xistence was when it was called WWW (World Wide Wrestling). Up to now, the actual year of origin is still unknown. WWW was overhauled by Justin Santana in 2000 and renamed IWA (International Wrestling Association). Josh Tamugaia took over in 2003 and renamed it WWX (World Wrestling Xistence). The WWX is an e-fed based on roleplays, strategies and commitment. It is played via email, through Yahoo Groups.
  • The oldest recorded history of World Wrestling Xistence was when it was called WWW (World Wide Wrestling). Up to now, the actual year of origin is still unknown. WWW was overhauled by Justin Santana in 2000 and renamed IWA (International Wrestling Association). Josh Tamugaia took over in 2003 and renamed it WWX (World Wrestling Xistence). The WWX is an e-fed based on roleplays, strategies and commitment. It is played via email, through Yahoo Groups.
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